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Brain Basics: Know Your Brain: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Introduction The brain is the most complex part of the human body. This three-pound organ is the seat of intelligence, interpreter of the senses, initiator of body movement, and controller of behavior. Lying in its bony shell and washed by protective fluid, the brain is the source of all the qualities that define our humanity.

8 Ways Magnetic Levitation Could Shape the Future. For years, NASA has been researching the possibility of using the high speeds of maglev transportation to fling spacecraft into low Earth orbit.

8 Ways Magnetic Levitation Could Shape the Future

"It would really open up space to human exploration and commercialization," Powell says. "It's something we can't do now because it's too expensive. " Powell and his colleagues have proposed two generations of space launching technology. Build a Touchless 3D Tracking Interface with Everyday Materials. Combine low-tech materials with some high-tech components and build a completely Touchless 3D Tracking Interface.

Build a Touchless 3D Tracking Interface with Everyday Materials

Explore capacitive sensing by using several panels of cardboard lined with aluminum foil. These panels, when charged, create electric fields that correspond to X, Y, and Z axes to create a 3D cube. With the aid of an Arduino microcontroller and some supplied code, movements inside the cube are tracked as your hand moves around inside the field. Amazing Trick. Scirus - for scientific information. - StumbleUpon.