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Ads of the World September 2011 winners. PocketLoops, un clavier portable pour transformer l’iPhone en studio d’enregistrement DJing Son gear4 iphone ipod touch Pocketloops station d'accueil. Et si Apple lançait l'iCam ? Accompagnant la création graphique, le dessin, la PAO, la 3D retouche photo ou le montage vidéo, les machines Apple ont passé un cap avec l’iPad, en train de s’imposer comme l’instrument de production musical de la décennie.

Et si Apple lançait l'iCam ?

Reste pourtant un domaine dans lequel la Pomme ne s’est jamais lancée: la Photo. Si l’on excepte le malheureux essai QuickTake, Apple s’est refusé et ce, pour plusieurs raisons: - Le marché de la photo est longtemps resté extrêmement traditionnaliste, et le secteur le plus porteur (les reflex numériques) est resté chasse gardée du duo Canon et Nikon, sans qu’aucun challenger ne puisse venir les bousculer. - La photo demande des expertises au-delà de l’électronique. L’optique est ainsi un chaînon crucial et un métier qui ne s’apprend pas du jour au lendemain. - Et puis surtout, l’iPhone.

Le smartphone d’Apple a en effet bousculé le marché à lui seul, devenant rapidement l’appareil photo numérique le plus populaire sur flickr… Toutes catégories confondues. . © ADR Studio. Top 20 Trends in 2011 Forecast - The 2011 Trend Report. AHALife adds curation and tastemaker status to sell luxury goods - Social Media. The web created pages we wanted to return to, so browsers began saving local bookmarks.

AHALife adds curation and tastemaker status to sell luxury goods - Social Media

Then came the likes of Delicious which allowed people to share their favourite sites and pages. A few years later Twitter revolutionised the way we share content and site links. Twitter Favorites allowed us to “remember” favourite tweets in a sort of stream of consciousness. Now, currently in closed beta, bridges the gap between Twitter Favorites and social bookmarking. It can be briefly described as a way of storing and sharing favorite tweets in “sub folders” (bundles). The underlying premise is that allows people to curate and share lists of Twitter favorites around topics of particular interest.

Twitter favorites has long been the only way to easily remember and share Tweets of interest. How does it work? allows the user to create “bundles” of tweets which are similar to folders of favorites. What doesn’t it do? It also should not overlook mobile. Gartner Adds Big Data, Gamification, and Internet of Things to Its Hype Cycle. Gartner is once again taking a look at the "hype cycle" for technologies and trying to assess where technologies lie along the bumpy road from technology trigger to productivity.

Gartner Adds Big Data, Gamification, and Internet of Things to Its Hype Cycle

This year, Gartner is adding big data, Internet of Things, gamification and consumerization to the Hype Cycle that weren't present in 2010. According to Gartner, private cloud computing has reached the peak level of hype, and cloud/Web platforms are slipping into the "trough of disillusionment" in the face of Platform as a Service (PaaS). For the uninitiated, Gartner tracks technologies through a lifecycle that begins with a technology trigger through the plateau of productivity. The idea is that companies can use the assessments to decide whether to invest in specific technologies. The results this year? Now what does all that mean? As far as Gartner's assessment of the various technologies, it looks about right. The Purveyor of Cool. In 1974, Dominican immigrant Don Antonio Martinez started a small shop in New York City selling hand rolled cigars.

The Purveyor of Cool

Thirty-eight years later his son, Jesus, carries on the tradition. The shop combines craftsmanship with community, mixing equal parts work and play. Made by Hand / No 4 The Cigar Shop from Made by Hand on Vimeo. A project from, Made by Hand is a new short film series celebrating the people who make things by hand—sustainably, locally, and with a love for their craft. Interactive Marketing Trends. Consumer Trends &Marketing Buzz. TRENDORIGINAL is dedicated to the great trends created or first discovered by YOU. At TrendOriginal we follow Original ideas that can set today′s trends or inspire the next. Inspired Magazine. TREND HUNTER - #1 in Trends - Fashion Trends, Tech, Style, Design, Pop Culture and Marketing.

Cool Hunting. Welcome.