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What Would Dad Say » Ten Ways To Make People Like You. 5 Ways to Change Someone's Mind. An expert recently claimed that knowing--and using-- a few simple rules can help you change the minds of other people. The first rule of changing minds is to keep your message short, sharp, and simple. People tend to respond less well to long convoluted arguments, according to Kevin Dutton, Ph.D., author of Dutton's book isn't itself a short or oversimplified how-to book. Dutton, a psychologist and research fellow at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion at Cambridge Univesity, fills out each of his points with numerous clarifying (and often amusing) examples and anecdotes from every nook and corner of social psychology. The crux of Dutton's message is contained in his five elements, made easy to remember with the acronym . IMPLICITY: Keep your message short, sharp, and simple to convince people it's true.

ERCEIVED SELF-INTEREST: Con men agree it's the key to getting us to do something we didn't think we wanted to. As I read , I had a question about good versus evil . Seven Ways to Say “No” and Keep Good Relations. O you have trouble saying “No”? Many women and men are traditionally taught to avoid saying “no”, especially when facing authority figures. Some of us are told from a young age that we’re not supposed to say “no” to our parents , relatives, teachers, bosses, and others. There may be cultural, gender , social, religious , or institutional pressure to conform and please.

Often there’s a fear of rejection, a desire to avoid confrontation, or guilt over hurting others’ feelings. Of course, it’s important to say “no” when necessary, in order to protect our boundaries and maintain one’s own priorities. For example, if your friend asks to borrow your car, and you’re uncomfortable with the idea, you can either be direct and say “no”, or you can use any of the following, assertive yet diplomatic expressions to draw the line: " be the only one driving my car “ lend out my car.” “ lend out my car.” “ I keep my car for my own use.” “ , I’m not going to be able to lend you my car.”

The 5 Saddest Things People Do to Look Smart. We're at a point in our society where being smart is becoming more and more valued. Hollywood films are featuring smarter heroes, TV shows try to shame people who are dumber than a fifth grader, we elected a smarter president, etc. Unfortunately, every time something becomes cool, a lot of people are in such a hurry to jump on the bandwagon that they focus on the outer trappings and don't put in the work. In this case, trying really hard to look smart without focusing on learning or thinking. Via Getty ImagesWhy study when you can just put on some glasses and look at people real serious like? The biggest problem is that there's a lot of different kinds of smart, and we can't all be good at all of them.

But pulling these stunts just backfires terribly, like when people try to: Brandish Academic Credentials Now, there's an appropriate time to pull out your Ph.D. or your standardized test scores, like when you are applying for a job or a school, or picking someone up at a bar. Via BenjwongYum! 153.69 - How to Detect Lies - Interesting Info -> Lying Index -> How to Detect Lies Become a Human Lie Detector (Part 1) Warning: sometimes ignorance is bliss. After gaining this knowledge, you may be hurt when it is obvious that someone is lying to you. The following deception detection techniques are used by police, forensic psychologists, security experts and other investigators.

Introduction to Detecting Lies: This knowledge is also useful for managers, employers, and for anyone to use in everyday situations where telling the truth from a lie can help prevent you from being a victim of fraud/scams and other deceptions. This is just a basic run down of physical (body language) gestures and verbal cues that may indicate someone is being untruthful. If you got here from somewhere else, be sure to check out our Lie Detection index page for more info including new research in the field of forensic psychology. Signs of Deception: Body Language of Lies: • A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact. Bored?