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Africa:Under the Hood

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Moving from the ‘why’ of investing in Africa toward the ‘how’ of driving private sector growth. What makes this economic performance all the more remarkable is that half of that decade has been marked by a deeply troubled global economy. Although many African economies have been negatively impacted by the situation in key trading partners in Europe and North America, most have remained remarkably resilient. The immediate outlook also appears positive, with many parts of the region forecast to continue experiencing relatively high growth rates and a number of African economies predicted to remain among the fastest growing in the world for the foreseeable future. There is therefore good reason to pause and celebrate the progress that Africa has made. At the same time, though, individual countries and the region as a whole still need to address significant challenges in order to sustain this progress, and to emulate the kind of developmental path we have seen in places like south east Asia over the past 30-40 years.

After BRIC, here comes MANGANESE: A comparative analysis of the new growth markets - Your partner in emerging markets. After BRIC, here comes MANGANESE: A comparative analysis of the new growth markets In a recently published study, a renowned economist and banker made the case for a new bloc of countries whose past and prospective economic performance make them a force to be reckoned with going forward.

The new bloc, coined MANGANESE, which stands for Morocco, Angola, Nigeria, Ghana, Algeria, Namibia, Ethiopia, South Africa and Egypt, is seen as the locomotive of “Africa 2030”. Africa, according to the World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy, will become one of the key decision makers in the world by 2030. Mr. "While BRIC countries constituted the first wave, the next wave supporting this economic burst is expected to come from Africa, with its 1 billion plus habitants - Pascal Lamy, WTO Director General.

" Rights, Taxation and shareholders representation. L’Afrique en 2013 Des chiffres surprenants. Voici des chiffres surprenants tirés du rapport économique 2013 de l’Afrique. Le document, réalisé par la Commission économique de l’Afrique (CEA), bouscule les idées reçues. Morceaux choisis. Alors que l’Europe reste à une croissance de 0% en 2013, l’Afrique émargera pour 4,8% cette année et 5,1% en 2014. Le continent renoue donc avec la moyenne de 5,6% enregistrée entre 2002 et 2008. Seulement, note ce rapport, cette croissance remarquable ne s’est pas traduite par une diversification économique. Pour emprunter le chemin de l’Asie du Sud-Est, l’Afrique devra s’industrialiser. L’industrialisation Si les économies africaines exportatrices de produits de base ont grandement tiré avantage des récentes hausses soutenues des prix de leurs exportations de produits primaires et d’une augmentation des rentes tirées des ressources, on ne saurait cependant compter sur ces rentes pour jouer le rôle de moteur de la croissance et du développement.

Croissance du PIB par habitant. Foreign firms invest $50 billion in Africa in 2012 | Celebrating Progress Africa. In 2012, many foreign companies opted to invest in Africa. African countries recorded an estimated $50 billion in foreign direct investment inflows in 2012, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development recently revealed in its 2013 World Investment Report. According to the report, while investment in extractive industries remains the principal driver of FDI inflows to the continent, there was an increase in investments in the continent’s fast moving consumer goods sector, a trend that is likely a response to the increasing purchasing power of the country’s fast growing middle class.

UNCTAD reveals that between 2008 and 2012, the share of consumer-related industries in the value of greenfield investment projects in Africa grew from 7 percent of the total to 23 percent. Greenfield investments refer to investments in businesses or economic sectors that are new to a recipient country. — Private Equity en Afrique cherche gérants locaux et ingénieux. Les temps sont durs pour les transactions de capital-investissement en Afrique subsaharienne ! Les deals de private equity seraient de plus en plus difficiles en Afrique, surtout ceux de tailles importantes. Ce sont les constats d’un article intéressant du Financial Times écrit par la journaliste Katrina Manson qui cite Miles Morland, l’un des pionniers de l’investissement en Afrique : « En Afrique, il y a des centaines d'offres, mais il faut aller les chercher.

En Occident, les banquiers d'investissement vous apportent des offres… [Mais], en Afrique, les banques d'investissement sont au bas de la chaîne alimentaire. Vous avez besoin d'aller traîner dans les bars… pour trouver les offres ». Une activité en dents de scie Depuis plusieurs années, tout le monde parle du potentiel de l'investissement en Afrique, particulièrement en Afrique subsaharienne.

L'histoire du private equity en Afrique a été en dents de scie. Trouver des offres devient un véritable chemin de croix. Africa, the new frontier for investors. What do Ethiopia, Mozambique and Angola have in common? Well just under two decades ago, the stories that emerged from these three countries pretty much sum up the state of most of the African continent at the time. From Mozambique, images of young men with guns strapped across their shoulders. From Angola, we saw women, men and children receiving treatment in Red Cross shelters after being maimed by landmines.

And who can forget the images of starving children with flies around their faces in Ethiopia? Two decades later, the same countries are not only in the news, but on every economic analyst's list. This time, however, the images of war, hunger and despair have been replaced by visuals of high-rise buildings, construction sites and modern shopping malls. Ethiopia, Mozambique and Angola have once again come to symbolise the continent's new story of hope and optimism.

Gone are the days when Africa was viewed as just a basket case. Let's look at Africa's most populous nation, Nigeria. Global Economic Winners: African Economy Booms – T. By Francis Njubi Nesbitt In May 2000, The Economist magazine declared that Africa was "the hopeless continent. " Eleven years later, in 2011, it referred to Africa as "the hopeful continent.

" And on October 20, 2012, the magazine stated: "In recent years investors have been piling into Lagos and Nairobi as if they were Frankfurt and Tokyo of old. " Clearly, gloomy skepticism has given way to glowing optimism about Africa, and for good reason—over the past 10 years, many of the economies within Africa are outpacing economies anywhere else in the world. In fact, according to the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) World Economic Outlook released in October 2012, 11 of the world's 20 fastest-growing economies are in Africa, and this booming economic growth has helped create the fastest-growing middle class in the world. 1. Africa's southernmost country has a mature economy with strong industrial, financial, and transportation sectors. That said, the country is a major regional powerhouse. 2. La gestion des risques liés aux affaires avec le continent africain. Johannesburg and Lagos are Africa's most popular destinations with over 4.6 million visitors expected in 2013 - Celebrating Progress Africa.

Which cities are the most popular destinations in Africa? MasterCard recently released its third annual Global Destination Cities Index. The Index reveals that Johannesburg and Lagos are Africa’s most popular destinations with over 4.6 million visitors expected to visit both cities this year. Johannesburg comes out tops on the continent both in total visits and international visitor spending. Between 2009 and 2013, the city’s number of international visitors increased by 53.6% skyrocketing it into the Index’s top 20 fastest growing cities globally. MasterCard Global Index of Destination Cities 2013 – African Cities The MasterCard Index of Global Destination Cities are ranked based on the following criteria: The number of their total international visitor arrivalsThe cross-border spending by these same visitors in the destination cities The top three cities from which visitors to Johannesburg originate are London (299,000 people), Frankfurt (187,000 people), and Dubai (157,000 people)

AFIM Realizing Africas Wealth.pdf. Africa: Second Fastest-Growing Region in the World. By Antoinette M. Sayeh Sub-Saharan Africa is the second fastest-growing region of the world today, trailing only developing Asia. This is remarkable compared to the current complicated state of the global economy, with Europe still struggling and the United States slowly on the mend. In 2012, Sub-Saharan Africa maintained solid growth, with output growth at 5 percent on average. The factors that have supported the region through the Great Recession—strong investment, favorable commodity prices, and generally prudent macroeconomic management—continued to be at play. Within Africa, two speeds of growth However, performance varies across countries, and the region has seen growth at two different speeds.

Our latest Regional Economic Outlook shows a broadly positive near future for the region, with a moderate acceleration of growth expected in 2013–14. Two-speed growth is expected to persist in the region for the next few years. Remaining risks Policy challenges Job creation top priority. Sub-Saharan Africa more peaceful than other world regions - report. Investors start a new scramble for Africa. Made in Africa Film. Africa's story growth. Africa’s Richest People List. Top 10 des prévisions de croissance des pays africains. Avec un taux de croissance prévu pour osciller entre 6,7 et 7,4% en 2013-2014, l’Afrique de l’Ouest apparaît comme la région la plus dynamique du continent. DR L'édition 2013 du rapport annuel sur les Perspectives économiques en Afrique (PEA) s'attache à élaborer des prévisions de croissance pour le continent.

La Côte d'Ivoire est en 4e position, suivie de près par la RD Congo (5e). C'est en Afrique de l’Ouest que la croissance sera la plus rapide sur la période 2013-2014 prédit le rapport annuel sur les Perspectives économiques en Afrique (African Economic Outlook), publié conjointement le 27 mai par la Banque africaine de développement (BAD), le Centre de développement de l’OCDE, la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) et le Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD). Avec un taux de croissance prévu pour osciller entre 6,7 et 7,4% en 2013-2014, l’Afrique de l’Ouest apparaît comme la région la plus dynamique du continent.

Lire aussi : Récession dans la zone euro. 9 pays africains feront plus de 7% de croissance en 2013. (Agence Ecofin) - « L'Afrique est en train de devenir de plus en plus attrayante pour les investisseurs. D'ici 2035, sa population active dépassera en nombre celle de la Chine et de l'Inde » affirme le rapport commun de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD), de l'Organisation pour la coopération et le développement économiques et de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique.

L’étude prévoit que 9 pays africains enregistreront en 2013 plus de 7% de croissance e t que 19 autres se situeront entre 5% et 7%. Selon la BAD, qui achève ses Assemblées, 26 pays africains sont déjà des pays à revenu intermédiaire, avec un revenu annuel par habitant supérieur à 1000 dollars. Pour première banque du continent, le secteur privé reste le principal moteur de croissance et de réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique : « Il est à l'origine de 90% des emplois, de deux tiers des investissements et de 70% des réalisations » déclare-t-elle.

Angola is seventh-biggest destination for foreign investment in Africa. May 29th, 2013 News Angola was the seventh-largest destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Africa and the third largest destination in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a report from the Ernst & Young consultancy analysing capital flows into Africa since 2003. Cited by Angolan newspaper O País, the report showed that Angola had attracted 5.2 percent of all FDI in Africa, and the top seven countries – South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Algeria and Angola – attracted a total of 60 percent of the continent’s FDI. By focusing the analysis on 2011 and 2012, Angola was ranked in ninth place ahead of Mozambique and overtaken by Kenya and Ghana, in the top ten Africa countries for FDI. According to the study, this may be due to a tailing off of investment in Angola following massive foreign investment after the peace process in 2002 and to the criteria used to measure FDI, which excludes mergers and acquisitions, and partnerships.

It’s not about the state of the world, but the state of sub-Saharan Africa – By Dr Adrian Saville, CIO Cannon Asset Managers. One of the key structural drivers of economic performance is economic openness which measures the connectedness and mobility of economies that comes about through international trade, capital flows and the movement of information and people. Achieving higher economic openness is a positive force in play that holds great promise for the sub-continent.

From lagging developed markets, sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has played catch-up over the past 15 years. The region has shown annual real GDP growth some 2% p.a. ahead of global growth. This, combined with structural reforms taking place in the sub-continent – which include governance and policy improvements, debt retirement and material political reforms – has yielded a region rich with opportunity.

As intimated, at least four clear drivers can be identified as having contributed to SSA’s surge, including: We can plot these two metrics on a matrix, as shown in Chart 1: Arguably, the leverage is remarkable. Nigeria, S-Africa account for 95% of Africa's investment. By MICHAEL EBOH Nigeria and South Africa accounted for 95 per cent of total portfolio investment of $20.15 billion (N3.204 trillion) recorded in the African continent in 2012, according to the African Development Bank, AfDB.

The AfDB in its annual African Economic Outlook said total portfolio investment in Africa in 2012 stood at around $20.15 billion and was expected to increase by 30 per cent to $26.2 billion (N4.166 trillion) in 2013, eclipsing the pre-crisis peak of $22.5 billion in 2006. The AfDB also gave a forecast of the growth in Africa’s economy at 4.8 per cent and 5.3 per cent in 2013 and 2014 respectively, driven by commodity exporters in West Africa such as Nigeria, Ghana and Ivory Coast.

According to the AfDB Foreign Direct Investment, FDI, to Africa, was set to rise by more than 10 per cent in 2013, approaching its 2008 record high, with the fast-growing sub-Saharan region likely to receive the majority of inflows. Comments are moderated. Please keep them clean and brief. The-Dynamic-African-Consumer-Market-Exploring-Growth-Opportunities-in-Sub-Saharan-Africa.pdf. With a Booming Economy, Africa Looks to Re-Brand.

Africa is definitely on the rise AFRICANGLOBE – The United Nations Economic Commission of Africa (UNECA) and African Union (AU) recently launched the “ Economic Report on Africa 2013: Making the most of Africa’s Commodities ,” written by Carlos Lopes, UN under-secretary-general and executive secretary of UNECA, and Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma, Commission Chairperson of the AU. One main component of the report is the move toward a new “branding,” an Africa that is industrialized and developed, not plagued by poverty and flooded with conflict. With its economical growth increasing each year, the continent is now able to embark on a new frontier where adding value to the country’s own commodities and resources could result in a flourishing internal economy.

“For about 20 years we have been debating industrialization without anything important happening. “Now that we have the robust strategy and a well-conceived plan that is realistic, theory can be set aside,” said M. By: Stacy Liberatore. The Rise of Africa's B-Brands. Africa’s Economic Development, Industrialisation Could Surpass China’s | Dadycandoit.Com. Africa Competitiveness Report 2013 | World Economic Forum - Africa Competitiveness Report 2013. Trade law centre » Africa’s share of global FDI increases over the last five years.

Trade law centre » Africa faces the devil’s choice amidst huge natural resources. Africa poster Urbanization 2012.pdf. Las oportunidades están en África. El top-40 de las empresas africanas. Lagos to Emerge 13th Largest Economy in Africa by 2014. Why Word-of-Mouth is Loudest in Africa. Development in Africa: Growth and other good things. Press Release - Sub-Saharan Nations Make the Most Significant Strides in Improving Living Standards in Africa. Press Release - Forty Fast-Growing and Globalizing Companies Highlight Africa’s Economic Awakening, According to a Report by The Boston Consulting Group. Goldman Sachs Research Newsletter - 00031978:a218704b4806a5136c18f03d75a4529c.pdf. Leading African Industrialist On Entrepreneurship. What Africa will look like in 2060. Selling to Africa's 'next million' shoppers. Pour la première fois de son histoire, l’Afrique va tirer la croissance mondiale.

Is the African middle class really middle class? RiskMap_2013_REPORT.pdf. _Strategy_Expansion_into_Africa_POV.pdf. Africa-New-Opportunities-for-Business-EIU.pdf. Africa's Youthful Population: Risk or Opportunity? Africa Investor - Ai News. AFRICA 2060 avec bande vert.indd - Africa in 50 Years Time.pdf. 0903Projet.FicheRésumée.Africapolis-GB - 0808ProjetFicheResumeeAfricapolisV4-en.pdf.

Africas-Pulse-brochure_Vol7.pdf. Africa - 50 Things You Didn't Know About Africa. Sub-saharan Africa Projects September 2012 ok - LinkClick.aspx. World Bank sees Africa growth speeding up | African Business. Is Africa much richer than we think? No one knows. World Bank: Africa's economic growth to outpace average. Le top 5 des opportunités d'investissement en Afrique pour 2012 - Terangaweb.

La consommation individuelle en Afrique tirée par une classe moyenne en très forte croissance. Bright Africa - new report. Africa- The new Golden Market. Invest Africa Episode 31: Risks of investing in Africa. Invest Africa Episode 5: Regulation. Invest Africa Episode 27: Economic Giants - SA & Nigeria. Les 10 pays africains les plus prospères - Actualité Diverse. Les villes africaines, prochains grands marchés pour les investisseurs. Africa is Disneyland for entrepreneurs, says SAP.

Mobile and social media greatly influence retail in Africa. Help Wanted: A Million African Managers by 2023. What's fueling the African Growth? Africa calling: rewarding patient investors. The African Investment Meme Continues. Davos 2013 - De-risking Africa (CNBC Africa Debate) African stocks offer untapped opportunities. SPONSORED: global economy african countries growth. Africas-Pulse-brochure_Vol6. African Countries of the Future 2011/12 - Rankings -

More investment interest in Africa than anywhere else – KPMG. Video - Breaking News Videos from Forces et faiblesses des filières agro-alimentaires en Afrique. _ En 2030, l'Afrique aura trouvé son modèle _ Africa is on the right path - Columnists | IOL Business | Role of Business in Africa. IBR 2012 report: Emerging markets opportunity index: high growth economies « Grant Thornton South Africa – An Instinct for Growth.

South Africa remains highest ranked African emerging economy, but Nigeria vying for top spot « Grant Thornton South Africa – An Instinct for Growth. Potentiel d’investissement : Quels sont les meilleurs émergents africains ? HS-Afrique-Carte-2000.jpg (JPEG Image, 2000 × 2934 pixels) Put your money in Africa and join ‘an astonishing success story:’ Friedland. Top 40 Investment Highlights in Africa 2012. Ce que vous devez savoir sur l'envol économique de l'Afrique. The Green City Index - gci-report-e.pdf. Emerging Investors in Africa: Africans. Best and worst countries to do business in Africa [INTERACTIVE]