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Construire une communauté

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10 reasons why people aren’t contributing to your online community. 1.

10 reasons why people aren’t contributing to your online community

You chose the wrong niche. In your mind, you came up with a great niche for your community. As far as you’re aware, people love your product. Maybe you didn’t do your research first, though. Sometimes, regardless of what you think or what you predict, people just aren’t interested in talking about certain topics – even if they’re important to the people you’re trying to reach.

This is yet another reason why community planning is so important – before you build a community website, try connecting people and encouraging discussion. 2. You’ll get people join your online community only to find it’s not for them. Perhaps you need to make your community’s mission clearer and make it more prominent. 3. Don’t try to build the biggest and fanciest website. Remember – start small; you can always expand slowly as the community develops. 4. People won’t talk unless others are talking, too. 5. Being a community manager and being a community moderator are two different things. Tentatives d’intelligence collective et de reseaux ouverts » Com. « Comment construire et animer une communauté en ligne ?

tentatives d’intelligence collective et de reseaux ouverts » Com

» Telle est la question qui m’est posée de façon récurrente depuis bientôt six mois par la plupart des entreprises pour lesquelles j’interviens. Voici un résumé des conseils que je tente de leur transmettre lorsqu’elles m’en donne l’occasion. J’espère qu’il vous sera utile et que vous y ajouterez en commentaire vos propres conseils. 1. Objectif : Affichez l’objectif de la communauté Photo Creative Commons Luc Legay Comment mobiliser les membres et futurs membres sans un objectif clairement affiché et partagé par tous ? L’adoption de votre objectif sera d’autant plus contagieux que vous arriverez à le transformer en cri de ralliement. Exemple : les objectifs affichés de Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, Meetup, Wikipédia… 2.

Photo Creative Commons Peter Shanks Quels avantages concrets un membre obtiendra-t-il en adhérant à votre communauté ? 3. Photo Creative Commons : CottonIJoe Exemple : Obiwi, publiez vos passions. 4. Photo : Foursquare. How to Grow a Community: Insights from Experts. Growing a large, active community is hard work.

How to Grow a Community: Insights from Experts

I know from experience. When I launched my startup, Concept Feedback (a website feedback community for designers and developers) less than a year ago, I wish I had the insights that these veterans shared with me while doing these interviews. If you’re developing a website, trying to attract customers or building a community, I hope the wisdom offered here helps you get where you’re trying to go just a little bit faster. Meet the Experts We asked five people who are known to have grown a strong online community through their projects. Stu Green (SG) Stu is a web developer and entrepreneur out of the UK. Jacob Gube (JG) Jacob (who you all may know) is a web developer/designer and founder of Six Revisions , an industry leading blog for web designers and developers with over 50,000 readers and 1.5 million unique visitors each month.

Alex Krug (AK) Nate Kontny (NK) Sam Yagan (SY) What are some successful methods you use to grow your community? Takeaway.