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Crab Animal Symbolism. Symbolic Crab Meaning Animal symbolism of the crab deals primarily with elements of water, moon and carries themes of protection.

Crab Animal Symbolism

Crabs are strong lunar symbols, and we see the crab's connection with the moon astrologically, esoterically and universally. For example, the crab is featured in the Tarot where a crab (or sometimes a lobster or crayfish) is indicated on the Moon card and enhances the overall symbolism this card represents. Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary. Symbols are the language of dreams.

Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary

A symbol can invoke a feeling or an idea and often has a much more profound and deeper meaning than any one word can convey. At the same time, these symbols can leave you confused and wondering what that dream was all about. The Electric Dreams Dream Sharing Temple. Teaching Clinical Psychology - Dream Manual. Dream journals: get story ideas in your sleep! What does your dreams mean? Dreams interpretations, meanings, symbols. Dreams-Meaning-Infographic.jpg (JPEG Image, 630x1350 pixels) - Scaled (47%) 1868: Honor the Dream. Today, our guest, the Rev.

1868: Honor the Dream

John Price, looks at our dreams. The University of Houston presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them. I'm fascinated with the tagline to this series: "...we're interested in the way inventive minds work. " I'm interested since I teach and guide people in dream analysis. Dreams serve such serious functions if you can just get through the truly inventive metaphors that the unconscious mind uses to explore the issues in one's life.