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23 Must-Read Tutorials for Advanced HTML5/CSS3 Coders at DzineBlog. Beginner’s Guide To: Building HTML5/CSS3 Webpages. HTML5 and CSS3 have swept the web by storm in only 2 years. Before them there have been many altered semantics in the way web designers are expected to create web pages, and with their arrival come a slew of awesome supports such as alternative media, XML-style tags, and progressive input attributes for web designers to achieve dreamy features like animation. (Image Source: SARBARTHA DAS, HeskinRadiophonic) Though most developers seem to showcase potential yet complicated demos, HTML5/CSS3 are not really rocket science, and I’ll be walking you through the relaxing process to build a standard HTML5/CSS3 web page with comprehensive yet in-depth explanation and tada! Bonuses like learning resources and free HTML5 templates are available for you, so take this chance to kick-start your HTML5 journey!

Changes between HTML4 and HTML5 You may be wondering why it’s even important to switch into HTML5. (Image Source: W3C) Comparison between HTML4 and HTML5 is difficult to spot at surface level. <! <! Adobe lance Edge, un outil d’animation HTML5. J’en parlais la semaine dernière et c’est maintenant chose faite : Adobe vient de lancer la Preview Release de Edge, son outil d’animations et d’interactions HTML5. Annoncé l’année dernière lors du MAX, Adobe Edge est donc un environnement de production d’animations et d’interactions qui n’utilise pas Flash et repose intégralement sur HTML5, CSS3 et jQuery (donc à ne pas confondre avec Flash Catalyst).

Cette application adopte la même interface que les autres produits Adobe et propose un environnement de travail très proche de Flash Pro avec ses panneaux repositionnables et sa timeline en bas : Pour faire simple, Edge correspond à deux cas d’usage aujourd’hui non couverts : La création de bannières et d’objets animés ;L’enrichissement d’une page web existante avec des animations et des interactions. Pour avoir assisté à une démo, je peux vous assurer que l’environnement est très intuitif et qu’il est très simple de récupérer une page et d’y ajouter des transitions / animations… 21 Incredible HTML5 Experiments. 15 (More) Inspiring HTML5 Experiments. Unless you have been living under a rock you will have heard about HTML5. It’s just everywhere now, thanks to the promotion of the Apple CEO ex-CEO Steve Jobs and certain developers who believe that HTML5 can take over Flash. Well, in fact we don’t see this situation happened yet, but HTML5 is really magical in reference to its video capabilities, canvas illustration and animation which work really well and smooth.

The fact is that it’s so promising that projects are popping up all over the places that have been made as a way of testing the boundaries of HTML5. Believe its power or not, we will be showcasing you 15 enlightening experiments which make the best use of HTML5, and guess what, you can experience gravity, music-based animation, and rendering of creatures that just works like creatures! Just in case you’re not satisfied with these HTML5 fun, we have more for you! Canvas Cycle Google Gravity Canvas Trees Magnetic This is another fun and addictive one for you to enjoy. Canvas Ribbon. 50 Useful And Free HTML Newsletter Templates. 10 HTML Entity Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit. It has been over a couple of years since I posted my HTML tag and usability crimes posts, both of which are amongst the most popular articles here on Line25.

There’s something about this title people just can’t resist! Let’s take a look at ten crimes you may be committing in your HTML content. These won’t exactly land you a life sentence, but I bet almost every one of us will be guilty of at least one of these petty crimes. Crime 1: Not converting your ampersands One of the most common HTML validation errors I see when checking the code behind Sites of the Week features are unconverted ampersand characters. It’s easy to simply paste in your content from an external document and forget to transform your & characters into the correct &amp; HTML entity.

Crime 2: Making your own ellipsis Did you know those three dots used to indicate a pause in a sentence are called an ‘ellipsis’? Crime 3: Incorrect use of the em dash I’m definitely guilty of this one myself. Crime 5: DIY Copyright symbol. Stop obsessing over HTML5 and CSS3. As web designers, we all seem obsessed by HTML5 and CSS3 at the moment. Endless posts, tutorials and discussion about them dominate the blogosphere. But how much are we learning that can be applied today? Don’t get me wrong. We all need to understand HTML5 and CSS3. My point is that we seem to be spending a disproportionate about of time reading up on the subject when so many other areas deserve our attention.

While others are reading yet another tutorial on CSS animation, why not broaden your horizons by researching subjects that will allow you to offer an even better service to clients? I’ll share with you five areas that I believe are much neglected and that we need to learn more about. Do you really need to know how to create a 3-D sphere in CSS3? 1. “Customer service?!” If that’s your attitude, think again. You may not work at Starbucks, but customer service is intrinsic to our role as web designers. We need a good grounding in customer service for a couple of reasons. 2. 3. 4. 5. L’avenir des magazines numériques est-il à l’HTML5 ?

En début de semaine Apple a dévoilé la nouvelle version du système d’exploitation de l’iPad (iOS en version 5). Au programme des nouveautés : tout un tas d’innovations, dont Newsstand, le kiosque numérique d’Apple pour les magazines (NewsStand built into iOS 5). Pour Apple, le but de la manoeuvre est officiellement pour les utilisateurs de simplifier l’achat et la gestion de magazines numériques.

Officieusement j’imagine que c’est la solution retenue pour verrouiller la chaine de distribution et reproduire ce qui existe déjà pour les livres et la musique. Il faut dire que les débuts des magazines en ligne sur le touchbook d’Apple ont été plutôt chaotiques : de très belles innovations chez certains éditeurs (Condé Nast avec Wired, Virgin avec Project, News Corp. et The Daily…), beaucoup de déception chez les autres.

Contourner Apple pour traiter directement avec les clients ? Il semblerait donc que Playboy y gagne sur tous les aspects. Au final, HTML5 est-elle la solution ultime ? 10 Tips to Boost Your HTML Forms Performance. Sometimes we get so used to doing things one way that we forget a little and important thing: to improve. We get so involved with all this CTA stuff that we forget other important things, like the contact form that comes after the pretty button. Our task today is to improve our form, to get better conversion rates, and maybe learn something from it. We will be talking about conversion, code, and design, in an easy and practical way.

So, let’s stop talking and rock some forms. 1. Test and track everything Before changing anything, you need to learn how to do split tests so you can measure your improvement. We have a lot of tools for this tracking job, including tracking goals and funnels with Google analytics or recording users interactions with Clicktale. 2. According to Wikipedia: Mad Libs consist of a book that has a short story on each page with many key words replaced with blanks.[...]

It sounds funny, isn’t it? 3. 4. This one is really simple. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Are you hungry yet? CSS3 and HTML5 Toolbox Starter - Noupe Design Blog. Jun 01 2011 As designers and developers we tend to always be on the look out for awesome resources to add to our virtual toolboxes. With the web design landscape moving in the direction of CSS3 and HTML5 we thought that we would help our readers find a few choice tools to start building up their toolboxes. So we went out across the web looking for some of the top offerings from the development and design community that can help get you started on using CSS3 and HTML5 today. So take a look down through the round up of available resources that you can hopefully find some tools that you have not come across before, and that can help aid both designers and developers alike. CSS3 Tools CSS3 Button Maker This intuitive tool from CSS-Tricks is labeled a “CSS3″ button maker owing to the fact that it makes use of gradients, shadows, and rounded corners which are generally not supported in older browsers.

CSS3 Maker CSS3 Please How about a handy cross-browser CSS3 rule generator? Modernizr CSS3 Pie (rb) Angry Birds Chrome. HTML5 & CSS3 – What You Should Know. HTML5, in conjunction with CSS3, will be a major alteration of how web pages are built once it is fully implemented. HTML4 was originally released in 1999 after only two years of work. There have been some minor adaptations since then, but the full upgrade to HTML5 has been “in committee” since 2001. The predicted finalization date was, at one point, extended as far out as 2022. That estimate has since been adjusted and the final release date is now believed to be sometime in 2014. As always, the biggest factor in the delays has been Microsoft.

The behemoth simply doesn’t make quick adjustments. The recent conflicts over Flash and the iOS have emphasized the necessity of new standards for anyone working on mobile platforms. Although some features of the intricate system are not yet generally accepted across browser platforms, developers and designers are implementing them as quickly as it is practical. Creating rounded corners is greatly simplified. Authored by Maria A. The Role of HTML & CSS in Web Design. If you are thinking about pursuing web design as either a career or a hobby, you must be able to do more than simply design a pretty page.

Professional web designers are experts in programming and coding as well. The most talented web designers are those that can adequately balance both their creative and artistic sides with their love of technical coding. As a web designer, there are plenty of different web design standards one must master. The two most important in the industry today are HTML and CSS. What is HTML? Since the early days of web design, HTML has been the standard for professional websites. Those who have used HTML will tell you that it is not difficult to learn. Efforts have been made to dumb down the process even further so that anyone, even those who have no knowledge of HTML, can create their own website. What is CSS CSS is a newer animal and is not as familiar to beginning web designers as HTML.

HTML vs CSS CSS is not really taking the place of HTML. Training. Showcase Of 55 Awesome Sites Using HTML5 and CSS3 | Design your way. Web Design Fact: 35 Inspiring Examples of HTML5 Websites. We all heard that HTML 5 is going to replace Flash. But personally I think that in some places Flash has its place that nothing can replace it even not jQuery and HTML5. The buzz around HTML5’s new features and possibilities will be a strong topic during this year. So today we have chosen websites built in HTML5 for our web design inspiration series. Today we present you 35 inspiring examples of HTML5 websites. Some of these are fully HTML5 websites and other uses new tricks of HTML5. Foundation Six Oniria Andrew Shanley For the Record Savvy Belfast Nipug L2 Ouro Michael Acevedo VTech Ben the Bodyguard Ostragoth Publishing Wantist Petro Salema Juliene Tienne Arno Hoog Zottarella Vision18 Exit 9 Just Type Zoocha Jayaraj P R Smultron Joan Fernandez 20 Things I Learned Munch 5 a Day Visua Design Ivana Setiawan Yellowhammer Creative Sérgio Oliveira Qlassik Fellabinaryreviews Nicolas Linet Normandie Web Which HTML5 website do you like most, share with us!

HTML5 is Dead. Long Live HTML. The Web Hypertext Applications Technology Working Group (WHATWG) — the organization which instigated HTML5 — has announced they are dropping version numbers. HTML5 is complete. The new standard is simply “HTML.” The announcement was made by specification editor Ian Hickson. His blog post states that the HTML standard has become a living document: The specification will be known as “HTML” with the URL WHATWG HTML specification can now be considered a “living standard.” What About the W3C? The WHATWG announcement came two days after the W3C launched their HTML5 logo. The term “HTML5″ is unlikely to disappear since the W3C standards approval process is structured around a progression of version-numbered technology specifications.

However, the new logo has muddied the waters, and the W3C appears to be lumping CSS3, SVG and JavaScript APIs under the HTML5 “brand.” Do We Need Version Numbers? Many developers expressed their surprise and horror at the WHATWG’s notion. The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5? 20 Shockingly Cool HTML5 Canvas Applications. HTML5 offers a wide variety of advanced functionality over what HTML was originally capable of. Perhaps the most powerful aspect of HTML5 is the HTML5 canvas.

The canvas element is a drawable region defined in HTML code with height and width attributes. JavaScript code can access the canvas through a full set of drawing functions allowing for dynamically generated graphics. In this post, you’ll find 20 shockingly cool HTML5 canvas applications that show just a bit of the power of the canvas and demonstrates what you can accomplish with it. If you’re just getting started with HTML5, check out our other posts: Hopefully you find these really cool and inspirational! Let us know what you think in the comments! Sketchpad Sketchpad by Michael Deal uses the canvas element and a lot of JavaScript to create an impressive painting application. Color Cycling Joe Huckaby has gone back to an 8-bit technique for his colour cycling canvas demo. L-System Turtle Fractal Renderer Threshold Filter Reflections. Edge : Adobe se lance dans le HTML5. Move aside Flash, here comes HTML5. So there has been a lot of talk about HTML5 recently.

Many people even started comparing it to Adobe’s Flash. Although Flash can be rather extensive it is not without it’s bugs and does tend to crash computers a fair bit when it’s not developed the way it should be. With Apple supporting HTML5, the markup language has definitely got a great deal of support with some beautiful work being demonstrated. Here for you today, I have collected the finest demos from around the web, enjoy. 3D Tiler Sinuous Keylight Magnetic Earth Night Lights Color Blendy Defend yourself 3D Chess Cloth Simulation Particle generator Sandbox Particle fun Blowup video Spread Fireworks Bonomo Ball pool Arcade Fire I hope these demos have inspired you to at least check out HTML5. HTML5 References and tutorials This entry was posted on Friday, October 8th, 2010 at 20:30 and is filed under Inspiration. Trackbacks We do love friendly, well-constructed and respective comments.

20 HTML Best Practices You Should Follow. Most of the web pages you encounter is presented to you via HTML, the world wide web’s markup language. In this article, I will share with you 20 best practices that will lead to clean and correct markup. 1. Always Declare a Doctype The doctype declaration should be the first thing in your HTML documents. The doctype declaration tells the browser about the XHTML standards you will be using and helps it read and render your markup correctly. I would recommend using the XHTML 1.0 strict doctype. Some developers consider it a tough choice because this particular standard is less forgiving than loose or transitional doctype declarations, but it also ensures that your code abides strictly by the latest standards. 2. The <title> tag helps make a web page more meaningful and search-engine friendly. Take for instance, the following example: <title>Six Revisions - Web Development and Design Information</title> The example above appears like the following image in Google’s search engine results page:

Les 20 pratiques HTML de base. 7 Useful Resources to Help You Learn HTML5. 26 HTML5 Features, Tips, and Techniques you Must Know. 20 + tags introduced in HTML5 you really should know. HTML5 Globals and You.