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软件 . 多媒体类. 请问现在出去学maya影视动画前景如何?高人请指点_已解决 - 阿里巴巴生意经. 學maya須具備哪種條件? 學MAX還是學MAYA好? - 暗黑巢穴 - MRainbowWJ - 和訊博客. 總是看到一直在爭論maya和max,我自己是學maya出身,也自學了一陣子max,現在還是喜歡maya。

學MAX還是學MAYA好? - 暗黑巢穴 - MRainbowWJ - 和訊博客

看到一篇不錯的文章,怕以後看不到了,就悄悄轉過來了。 另外說說自己總結的東西吧:你要只是做個模型上個貼圖什麽的,學max吧,能讓你很快入門並上手。 你要是有心情去深入的研究一款軟件,去學maya吧,它不僅自身整合了所有功能(相比max的插件),還有很牛B的mel語言可以從根本讓你掌控軟件。 只有掌控了mel才能說你掌握了maya,但是這可不是一天兩天能弄懂的。 正文開始。 MAX 和MAYA究竟誰更強? 我們就談談學MAX好還是學MAYA好這個問題,順帶的談談就業時需要掌握的基本技巧,也算給目前浩浩蕩蕩的新人大軍一個小小的指引。 你是想給你一個世界還是自己去改變世界:選擇最合適自己的。 1、先來談max:給你一個世界 max有很多優點,很多人喜歡。 那麽學max有什麽好處呢? 2、接著談談maya:讓你創造世界 同max早期的宣傳語:“給你一個世界”恰好相反,maya的宣傳語是“讓你創造世界”,這也可以看作maya和max核心概念的不同。 和max比,maya好像什麽都沒有:沒有max那麽多的插件、渲染器也只能用用默認和自帶的MR(用renderman的公司也有不過可以用指頭數出來)、沒有中文版(聽說要出中文版了不過那是後話)、中文教程的數量也遠不如max,推薦個可以說好教程少得可憐,剛學的人都聽說maya什麽都能做,可是打開軟件卻覺得什麽做起來都很麻煩。 但恰恰是這個什麽都沒有的軟件給了我們極大的自由度,他優秀的節點式 設計 理念可以讓以上這些貌似一無所有的東西變出各種花樣來,雖然alias沒有給我們一個完整的世界,卻給我們留下了可靠多變工具,我們可以愛怎麽來就怎麽來,經過努力我們可以創造屬於自己的世界。

總的來說maya比max更適合多人合作,團隊作戰。 以切身經歷來看,能堅持下來用MAYA做事情的人都比較有自我滿足感。 3、關鍵學的是解決問題的方法 不管學MAX還是MAYA,我們關鍵學的是解決問題的方法,因為軟件是可以互通的,換個軟件對大多數人來說只是時間問題。 關於學習和就業的一些指導: 模塊化的分工方式是現在國內公司普遍采用的 用洋人的話說這個叫workflow,工作流。 這行到底缺不缺人 缺人,但不缺新手,缺的是有工作經驗的人。 Audi TT (2008) modeling tutorial « Hi, i’ve made this tutorial in 16 days and I hope that anyone will understand it.

Audi TT (2008) modeling tutorial «

First off all, i’m sorry if there are gramatical mystakes, english is not my language. If you think that you can make something in 3DS max, then post your tutorial like me. Doesn’t matter if your tutorial its a basic or advanced tutorial. Tutorials. Maya blog: maya tutorials and maya information: 3D CG labo. Creative COW Free Video Tutorials. Learn Media Composer Lesson 92: FrameFlex Play VideoIn this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe takes a look at the new FrameFlex feature inside of Media Composer 7.

Creative COW Free Video Tutorials

Ideal for working with large frame sizes inside of HD and SD timelines, this new feature is almost a hidden gem, as it's automatically added to your clips, once you drop them in the timeline. The trick for you is knowing how to harness its power. Tutorial, Video TutorialKevin P McAuliffe. 火星网-中国领先的数字艺术门户. David Blumenstein, Melbourne animator of The Precinct and The Bret Braddock Adventures.

We are starting the week with a bang – literally – with David’s first illustration above! David Blumenstein is a Melbourne based cartoonist, story board artist, animator and illustrator. Just reading and watching his work is making me laugh! His sense of humour is in everything – I love it! Like many creatives, David has several projects on the go at any one time. Amongst his paid animation and illustration work, he also manages to find the time to keep up many of his hilarious comics and short animated series.

If you’re keen for a laugh, check out some of David’s work. David writes and illustrates a weekly comic, Showman? Image for Adrian Calear’s comedy show Code Grey, about Adrian’s many injuries and near-death (and ACTUAL death) experiences. How have you got to where you are today? I always drew comics, and I still do. I enrolled and completed a fine art degree because I couldn’t find a cartoon-oriented university course. In a few words, describe yourself… What or who inspires you? 火星第一本插画图书:Photoshop插画艺术火星风暴 - 火星社区-中国领先的数字艺术社区. (84) 動畫師專頁:Naveen Ma. 火星网-中国领先的数字艺术门户. 火星时代实训基地. - 直线教程-最专业的视频教程平台.

创意媒体(动画及视觉特效. 三維動畫及視覺特效. HKDI in the Spotlight 純文字 | 简体 | English 三維動畫及視覺特效 (此部份暫只提供英文版本或部分中文譯本 | 此部份暂只提供英文版本或部分中文译本) 專業文憑 › Visual Effects for TV Commercials (65016D) 專業證書.


Gnomon School of Visual Effects. Over the past year, we've been working hard at developing a brand new online training platform for Gnomon.

Gnomon School of Visual Effects

While we have been providing online training for years through both the school and the Gnomon Workshop, we wanted to create a new experience for our students. For over fifteen years, Gnomon has trained thousands of artists on our campus in Hollywood. Through the live and interactive experience of taking classes with other artists from leading industry professionals, students not only learn the techniques necessary to create production quality work… but also create friendships with likeminded people. This personal network has been an invaluable asset to our students as they enter the job market, but even years down the road we hear stories of how these relationships continue to help students explore new opportunities at studios not just in Hollywood, but around the world.

翼虎网-第一CG学习分享社区. Mixamo: Production-quality 3d character animation in seconds. Maya Community, Maya 3d Community and resources, Maya 3D. 室内设计-我要自学网. 3D 動畫設計 - 使用 Blender 軟體 - 陳鍾誠的網站. CGV - Play CG , Enjoy CG. (26) Harry Hung. 軟體大學. NetrinoMedia Marketplace's Blog. Details Techniques:Rendering, TutorialsAds: Hello 50 Rendering Tutorials – it’s collection of most usefull cg tutorials by 3d rendering around cg sites.

NetrinoMedia Marketplace's Blog

Hope you find this collection informative. Please, post your comment as for this post, links to your rendering tutorials. Thanks HDRIs using Vray 1.5 RC3 Renderer in 3DS Max 9 In this tutorial, we’ll work out to know how to do a decent lighting using HDRIs using Vray 1.5 RC3 Renderer in 3Ds Max 9. 火星网-中国领先的数字艺术门户. "maya. 3D 特效 剪接 後製. CGTalk. // - CG artists homepage with fresh CG industry news // Blender - Google 搜尋.