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Setting Up Your Webcam, Lights, and Audio for Remote Work, Podcasting, Videos, and Streaming. I've started live streaming and publishing videos on my YouTube Channel again recently and it made me realize just how much work I've put into getting a good hardware setup—not just for the streams, but also just as someone who works remote and sits on video calls every day.

Setting Up Your Webcam, Lights, and Audio for Remote Work, Podcasting, Videos, and Streaming

I've spent quite a bit of time obsessing over lights and camera, and I wanted to help you—new streamer, podcaster, new remote worker, or someone trying to level up their setup—see a few different types of option for your remote work or streaming setup. Note: I'm on a Mac, so most things will be biased in that direction. Other note: these are all affiliate links.

Please feel free to bypass those if they make you uncomfortable! What's here? First, I'll cover each section, starting from the cheapest options for each: Then, I'll tell you my setup, and a few suggested full setups at various price points. Only you really know what level of clarity you want from each piece of your setup. Podcasters need much nicer mics. Webcams.


Game development - getting Started. Highlights from the 55th Venice Biennale 2013. Venice Biennale 2013 (La Biennale di Venezia) is the closest thing art has to the Olympics.

Highlights from the 55th Venice Biennale 2013.

The 55th International Art Exhibition attempts to capture the rich diversity of the art-world, with all it’s unexpected sights and sounds. Established in 1895, the Venice Biennale is the oldest and most important event on the international contemporary visual arts calendar. It is also the world’s largest non-commercial art exhibition, and this year it features shows from 88 countries across the entire city.

More than 150 artists are taking part in the Biennale, and the event attracts more than 350,000 world-wide visitors – from artists, art-lovers and collectors. This year the event was directed by Massimiliano Gioni, a highly acclaimed contemporary art curator. Here is a selection of some of my favourite things on show this year. Ai Weiwei, Bang, 2010-2013, 886 antique stools. Ai Weiwei, Bang, 2010-2013, 886 antique stools. Bang, 2010-2013, by Ai Weiwei at the German Pavilion. Crea tu propio spider con Scrapy. How to Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks and Save Yourself $21,000.

It’s a bittersweet day for me today; my 52 books in 52 weeks challenge is over.

How to Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks and Save Yourself $21,000

Last night I just wrapped up The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die, and as I finished the last page, I couldn’t believe how fast this past year went, It felt like I had just started this challenge the other day. Regardless, I wanted to share with you how to read 52 books in 52 weeks and why I feel like I saved myself 21,000 dollars in the process. So grab a drink (and by drink I mean water or coffee—it’s still early and there’s a good chance you’re at work), stay a while, and I hope you enjoy the read. Why even read 52 books in 52 weeks? Interesting little fact: I had never read a book in its entirety until I was 22 (I think) years old. What’s the point right? 1. This list could easily keep going, but these were some of the things I felt should be shared with y’all… yup, dropping a y’all on you.

The “why” continued… Formal education: 1. Cómo crear aplicaciones sin saber programar. No es imprescindible saber programar para poder crear tus propias aplicaciones móviles.

Cómo crear aplicaciones sin saber programar

A continuación te explicamos cómo hacerlo. La imparable expansión de los teléfonos inteligentes o smartphones ha generado un mapa de oportunidades sin precedentes para el mercado de las aplicaciones móviles. Esta situación ha supuesto todo un revulsivo para desarrolladores y empresas que han visto en este campo un nicho de negocio para crear aplicaciones, gratuitas o de pago, de éxito, con muy pocos recursos.

Pero competir en este mercado emergente no es una tarea fácil y requiere conocimientos de programación. Pero que sea complejo no quiere decir que sea imposible, de hecho no es imprescindible saber programar para crear aplicaciones propias. Creapp Quizá Creapp sea uno de los asistentes para crear aplicaciones móviles desde cero más sencillo de usar. Creapp ofrece un buen catálogo de plantillas prediseñadas para ayudar a los iniciados en este interesante campo a crear nuestra primera aplicación.

MIT Technology Review. Using Trello Like a Boss.