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Top 10 Best Flash Websites of 2012. Here are our editor's picks for the Top 10 Best Flash Websites of 2017 based on visual artistry, integrated sound, ease of use, and uniqueness. 1 | Pharrell Williams - Happy Pharrell Williams has employed Flash and his creative style to create the world's first 24 hour music video.

Top 10 Best Flash Websites of 2012

More importantly he uses the full complement of Flash media integration to create a web experience that fully conveys the song's theme in a way that a traditional video could not. 2 | Clouds Over Cuba This interactive multimedia documentary uses the immersive nature of Flash to allow the audience to relive the Cuban Missile Crisis 50 years later and discover what might have been. Produced by the JFK Library this chilling website entertains and teaches. The mobile synching and dossier are a great touch. 3 | Bear 71 Bear 71 is an interactive documentary about a female grizzly bear monitored by wildlife conservation officers from 2001 - 2009.

The Museum of Me. Listen to a Wall of Music. Sugar, sugar 2, a Bart Bonte game. Thought of You. Thought of You. Pilot: 'Evolution' Video. Everything OK Maker. BioMotionLab. ME. Take This Lollipop. Beijing, China - National Centre for the Performing Arts - National Grand Theatre. The World of Happiness in CentralWorld Plaza, Bangkok, Thailand. Magic Pen. - Draw shapes and allow the rules of physics to do the rest.

Magic Pen

" /> Magic Pen votes: collecting..times played: 5328232author: Alejandro Guillen VIEW ALL SCORES (new window) <object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase=' width='400' height='250' align='middle' /><param name='movie' value= Pen<script src=\"/bins/gameplay_normal.js? ', 'stage', '400', '250', '6', '#43587f'); fo.addParam('MENU', 'FALSE'); fo.write('shoutbox-swf'); // ]]> Magic Pen Instructions Make clever use of physic to collect all flags in each level.

Video Walkthroughs here:Levels 1-11Levels 12-26 The shapes that you draw are affected by gravity, friction and inertia. The red ball (or red square in some levels), is the object that collects the flags. You can use pins and hinges to link two objects together. To erase a single object hold down A as you left click a shape. Magic Pen music: Play the sequel, Magic Pen 2: About Magic Pen Draw shapes and allow the rules of physics to do the rest. Related Games Inferno. The Museum of Me. Sticky Thing. Thought of You. Liquid Particles 3D. PACMAN: THE MOVIE TRAILER. Tune for Two (2011) Man in the dark.

Space Noodles - canvas experiment. Create Music Beats. JamStudio for 2021!

Create Music Beats

Download the Windows App or Mac App to keep using JamStudio! DO IT NOW! This app will work after Flash is removed from browsers in 2021! Windows AppMac App Thanks for using JamStudio. After downloading the app, copy it to your desktop and run it. The online music factory - Jam, remix, arrange chords and loops - Free online band, free online mixer, desktop arranger, music arranger, music arrangement, music creator, online producing, band arrangement, garage band composer, sony acid... My Robot Nation. ToDo Homepage. Ana Somnia - lights out!