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Ideas for education the I find interesting

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These are just a few ideas I have found floating around the internet and found interesting.

My main development goal for last year was to try to reduce the amount I talked in the classroom. It is still too much, but I am getting there.

The Padagogy Wheel v3.0: Learning Design starts with graduate attributes, capabilities and motivation | VTE - Vitrine Technologie Education. Bloom’s taxonomy is still fundamental to good teaching and learning. That is the reason why, Allan Carrington expanded it into what he calls the Padagogy Wheel below.Please note that educational technology is not limited to iPad. As a result, this wheel works in any kind of application or software. The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at Moreover, Allan Carrington also integrated the Dr Ruben Puentedura's Integration Technology SAMR Model. 5 videos on connected learning from the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub [VIDEOS] Game-Based Learning in Higher Education. Is game-based learning(GBL) only good for young students? Who is using game-based learning in the higher education courses? How is it implemented into the curriculum?

From Anne Derryberry’s blog: I’m, the status survey and analysis of GBL in higher education was given: An overview of game-based learning in higher ed. Even as game-based learning is gaining momentum in many sectors, the activity in higher ed around game-based learning is scant. The great overview is available here. Rochester Institute of Technology To share some examples, don’t forget Just Press Play ! University of Texas at Brownville From 10 Innovative Idea Winners of Game-Based Learningin the NEA Foundation’s latest Challenge to Innovate (C2i), we also saw a cool teaching practice for freshmen non-science university students. STEM learning through Video games : It turns games into virtual laboratories. Massachusetts College of Liberal Art. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation | Transcript.

SAMR. Education Theory/Constructivism and Social Constructivism - UCD - CTAG. "Constructivism is the philosophical and scientific position that knowledge arises through a process of active construction. "(Mascolol & Fischer, 2005) "As long as there were people asking each other questions, we have had constructivist classrooms. Constructivism, the study of learning, is about how we all make sense of our world, and that really hasn’t changed. "(Brooks, 1999) Background Constructivism and Social Constructivism are two similar learning theories which share a large number of underlying assumptions, and an interpretive epistemological position.

Underlying Assumptions Jonassen (1994) proposed that there are eight characteristics that underline the constructivist learning environments and are applicable to both perspectives: Constructivist learning environments provide multiple representations of reality. Epistemology The default epistemology in education is an empirical/reductionist approach to teaching and learning. Main Theorists Dewey Piaget Bruner Vygotsky According to Vygotsky: QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Creator And Encoder For T-Shirts, Business Cards & Stickers.

Ruben R. Puentedura's Weblog.