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TabSite - Fan Page Platform | Easily Customize your Facebook Page. 8 Facebook Apps to Enhance Your Facebook Page. Do you want to add more function and flair to your Facebook page? Would you like to add storefront, generate leads or promote something special on a Facebook tab within your page? In this article I’ll reveal Facebook applications that can help you easily add functionality to your Facebook page. How Do Facebook Apps Work? Before we get started, let’s review how Facebook apps (also known as custom tabs on Facebook) pages work. Custom tabs are installed manually on your Facebook page and show up underneath the cover photo. Custom tabs appear under your cover photo. There are four standard Facebook apps that come with every page—Photos, Events, Videos and Likes—and any other apps you add are created by a third-party developer (not Facebook).

Many of the apps are designed on the app website after you sign up, and then installed later onto your Facebook page when you’re ready. Things You Should Know There are a few important details about Facebook apps that will help with your design. . #1: Heyo. 25 Creative Ways to Use Facebook Cover Photos. Are you using your Facebook cover photo to maximum effect? Do you change your cover image once a month, or once a year?

The Facebook cover photo is prime real estate for any business, and creating high-quality images. Use this to include calls to action (CTAs) and other helpful information for your fans. Here are 25 awesome examples of cover photo ideas you can use to make your brand stand out (there are also some cover photo best practices at the end of this post). #1: Get Into the Holiday Spirit or Change With the Seasons Design cover photos that change with the seasons and the holidays. The auto company Pep Boys, for example, created a simple and festive cover photo for the winter holiday season. Update your cover photo for the holidays or the seasons.

In the image below, Edible Arrangements says “Happy Valentine’s Day” with their photo. Edible Arrangements adjusts their cover photo to celebrate holidays like Valentine’s Day. #2: Promote Trends #3: Direct Fans to an App The clothing brand C. ContactMe - Easy Contact Tabs for your Fanpage. Constant Contact Facebook App - Constant Contact MarketPlace.

RSS Graffiti on Facebook. Static HTML: iframe tabs on Facebook. Promotion platform for Facebook Pages and websites. FACEBOOK FAN GATE. 68 Flares Twitter 2 Facebook 14 Buffer 15 Google+ 7 LinkedIn 30 inShare30 68 Flares × Ever since Facebook had a redesign, many marketers have voiced their opinions about how ineffective ‘fan-gating’ or ‘like-gating’ will be as they aren’t able to set them as the default landing page anymore. That is true; however the thought of it not being effective is far from being true. What is a fan gate? A fan gate or a ‘like gate’ allows your page to display different contents to those who are not fans and to those who are fans. Imagine a house with a gate that stops someone from getting into your house. If you are not a part of the household, all you see is the gate.

A fan gate offers exclusive content to those who have ‘liked’ your Facebook page, those who have not will see a tab asking users to like the page in order to see what’s behind it. How to use fan gate? While fan gates may never be as effective as it used to be, it could still prove to be a powerful (and underused) tool when paired with: How do you use Fan Gates? Hi Emily, You can find an explanation of the different options for adding content in this article from our support center, which was written for general setup of our Custom Tab (HTML FanGate) app, but the information is more or less the same (it explains the difference between the options for URL, Image, and HTML content). It sounds like you may be referring to the “Default Landing Tab” functionality that allowed admins to specify a tab that would automatically be displayed to non-fans when they visited the Page.

Unfortunately, that isn’t something that can be done anymore because Facebook removed the option to set a “Default Landing Tab” when they made the switch to Timeline format for Pages. Now, all visitors (fans and non-fans) are taken to the main Timeline/Wall of your Page, and they have to manually click on the tab to view the specific offers/tabs on the Page. Thanks for using Woobox! Aanjulena. How to create a free Facebook Page fan-gate without any HTML. 5 Facebook Fan Gate Inspirations. Facebook Timeline: 9 Best Practices for Brands. The Modern Media Agency Series is presented by IDG. IDC Infographic: Big Data Market to Grow 40% Per Year. Technology vendors of all sizes across hardware, software, and services stand to gain in the explosion of big data spending over the next three years.

IDC predicts Big Data will become a $17 billion market. See what’s hot… Facebook Timeline officially rolled out to Brand Pages on March 30, but we're guessing that many marketers still don't know how to milk the new design for all that it's worth. Some best practices apply to all social media platforms — be human, be genuine, reply to fans, foster conversation, don't be gimmicky, and don't syndicate the same content to every social channel, etc. If yours is a small business with little budget for social media or marketing, you need not worry — you can get a lot out of Facebook for free merely by doing it well. 1. Timeline is much more image-focused than earlier iterations of Brand Pages, so start snapping. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TabSite - Fan Page Platform | Easily Customize your Facebook Page.

Custom Page Apps for Facebook Business Timelines │ Pagemodo. IMPRESSUM GENERATOR. 4-Heroes. How To Get FREE LIKES on Facebook Status,Photos etc...100% real. Kanaal van Uselikescom. GivLikesFollowers. [TOTURIAL] GET 50k Twitter Followers and Thousands of Facebook Likes - EASY! NO SOFTWARE. | Free Like Exchange - Earn Free Facebook Likes and share your website with other people over the world! Facebook Auto Liker | Get Likes on Anything You Post on Facebook.

Auto Likes Facebook. [FREE] Get up to 50k of Twitter Followers or Facebook Likes! Facebook Likes 1.3 | Facebook Bots | Social Automation Software. This Tool Perfectly Crops Your Cover Photo for Facebook Timeline. The panoramic photo that now graces the top of every Facebook profile is pretty, but it's a far cry from practical.

Most cameras don't take photos that fit into it. Photo startup Aviary announced on Thursday that it would address this problem with a crop tool designed specifically for the Facebook Timeline cover photo. The tool is part of a new Facebook photo editing app the company launched in January. To use it, you'll need to approve the app. "Cover photo" is now an option under the crop tool menu, and it automatically creates a movable and resizable frame that crops your photo at the correct size for Timeline. When you're finished, the photo should fit perfectly into your Timeline, like this: There are, of course, other ways to deal with the odd size of the Timeline cover photo.

But if you have a photo that requires more precision cropping, Aviary's new tool is a handy alternative. Want Better Facebook Engagement? Stop What You're Doing. Social Media Published on January 11th, 2013 | by Colleen Corkery When it comes to marketing your business or brand on Facebook, you think you know what works for engaging your followers… but it turns out, you might not. Buddy Media analyzed user engagement on more than 1,800 Facebook Pages from some of the world’s largest brands. The results? A 32-page report telling us that as marketers, in some cases, we’ve got it all wrong. Best & Worst Days to Post on Facebook One of Buddy Media’s most interesting findings is the fact that marketers, businesses and brands mainly post to Facebook during the week, when in actuality, “the interaction rate for posts on the weekends is 14.5% higher compared to weekday posts.”

In general, the best day for brands to post on Facebook is Sunday. Best days to post on Facebook by industry? Best & Worst Times to Post on Facebook Are you posting to Facebook during the day, like most brands or businesses? Be Picture Perfect Thinking about writing a simple post? Plans & Signup - Post Planner. Facebook Hashtags: Quick Tips for Small Business Owners - League Computer Solutions and Social Media. Now that hashtags are live on Facebook, you need to consider using them (strategically) in your social media marketing. Hashtags are used on numerous social networks (Twitter, G+, Facebook, Instagram) and offer marketers an easy way to be seen by more people. So here are a few tips to get you started: What is a hashtag?

It is simply a quick and easy way to follow topics or conversations. In Facebook, anything you type after the # becomes a “clickable, searchable” link. For example, a few hashtags for our Facebook Page are: #SocialMediaTips – #FanPageFriday – #FacebookTips – (notice how it makes the hashtag easier to read when you capitalize the first letter of each word) Facebook Hashtag Features When you click on a hashtag in Facebook, a new window pops up with a listing of posts that contain that hashtag.

You can also type out a hashtag in the Search bar (i.e. Hashtags from other sites, such as Instagram and Twitter will also turn into clickable words/phrases on Facebook. Hashtag Strategy. Post better Content. Reach more Fans. Get more Likes. Post Planner.