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Ninedigits workshop. 9 digits. Ninedigits Workshop. About Try’n Play Experience it for free.

Ninedigits Workshop

Try’n Play! You can have a free trial of an application for a certain period. If you like it after the trial period ends, you can purchase it for use. If you do not purchase it after the trial period ends, you will not be able to run it in your handset any longer. About Rent’n Play World’s First Application Rental Service, Rent’n Play! Ninedigits workshop. Apples and oranges 1 decimal. Apples & Oranges - AlgebraAdding Apples and Oranges Version with 1 decimal This new application is a basic tool to learn algebra.Trying solving a system of linear equations with two equations and two unknown variables.

Apples and oranges 1 decimal

(Two purchases)Based on the same problem seen at the free "Adding Apples and Oranges. " ( where only used integers.Now, this new program works externally with a decimal. Apples and Oranges 1 Decimal. Sistemes d'equacions per a Android: Apples & Oranges. Old Egyptian Fractions. Simply Fractions 2 is designed for second grade to fourth grade elementary students to further their understanding of fractions, it is the next step from the Simply Fractions app.

Old Egyptian Fractions

Kids will learn about mixed fractions, equivalent fractions, fractions on a number line, a fraction of a collection whose size is greater than the denominator, compare fractions with different numerators and denominators, but can be compared to either 0, 1/2 or 1. We use a scaffolding approach, where the concept is introduced visually first, later there will be games without visual aid to strengthen the concept learned. The full version has eight different mini activities.

The lite version has 2 mini activities, no ads are served in either versions.Here is a summary of the activities:1. Shade Fractions 2: Like in Simply Fractions 1, you are asked to shade the squares, but the number of squares is larger then the denominator. 6. Aplicació per a Android sobre fraccions egípcies. Tancament del servidor Phobos.

Aplicació per a Android sobre fraccions egípcies

OBBL A1 - Architect's Building Blocks Toybox. Resources for Advanced Learners: Ages 11-13. Ten Cool Sites: Fun & Educational Websites. Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching. Hoppe Ninja Math. Touch Fraction. Nummolt.touch. Touch Fraction: Interactive fraction.About fractions, and the construction of the rational numbers.To play with proper and improper fractions, positive and negative also.


The application lets you play with fractions: Provides two representations: a circle and a straight line whose has the slope of chosen fraction Spin the fraction: You can choose different fractions in order from low to high within the possibilities included in the grid at the bottom formed by pairs of integers. Select equivalent fractions with the rational representation diagram (the lower grid). Touch Fraction - 1.0 / Android. Touch Fraction: Interactive fraction.About fractions, and the construction of the rational numbers.To play with proper and improper fractions, positive and negative also.

Touch Fraction - 1.0 / Android

The application lets you play with fractions: Provides two representations: a circle and a straight line whose has the slope of chosen fraction Spin the fraction: You can choose different fractions in order from low to high within the possibilities included in the grid at the bottom formed by pairs of integers. Select equivalent fractions with the rational representation diagram (the lower grid). Change range of fractions affordable with a "pinch zoom" on the lower grid. In the vertical strip of the grid graph goes from 0 to 1 you can see the number of units containing the selected improper fraction: Each unit is a black square. The program is useful to understand: fractions, coordinate geometry, rational numbers, cartesian plane, slope, and the equivalent classes of pairs of integers. Touch Fraction. Touch Fraction. This is a QR code.

Touch Fraction

A QR Code is a 2-dimensional barcode, which has encoded in it a URL (web address), text, or other information. It can be read by a QR code scanner, including QR scanner smartphone apps. Once you have an app installed on your smartphone, open the app and hold your phone’s camera over a QR code to read it. Fraccions per a Android: Toc Fracció. Fraccions per a Android: Toc Fracció. Macajo : Posted Touch Pythagoras Android... Touch Pythagoras. Pitàgores per a Android: Toc Pitàgores. Tancament del servidor Phobos El servidor arribarà a la fi del seu període d'operació el dia 23 de desembre de 2013.

Pitàgores per a Android: Toc Pitàgores

El Departament d'Ensenyament ofereix als centres docents i als professionals de l'àmbit educatiu diverses alternatives de gestió i publicació de recursos digitals en línia. Tot seguit enumerem alguns d'aquests serveis, que es poden utilitzar com alternativa als usos més habituals de Phobos: Àgora ( posa a la disposició dels centres un entorn virtual d'aprenentatge Moodle complet, així com una intranet i un gestor de continguts basat en Zikula.

XTECBlocs ( ofereix als centres i als professionals amb identificador XTEC la possibilitat de crear blogs basats en WordPress. MATH WATER TABLE (obbliq) Math Water Table (former obbliq) This is a QR code.

Math Water Table (former obbliq)

A QR Code is a 2-dimensional barcode, which has encoded in it a URL (web address), text, or other information. It can be read by a QR code scanner, including QR scanner smartphone apps. Once you have an app installed on your smartphone, open the app and hold your phone’s camera over a QR code to read it. Most QR codes you’ll come across have a URL encoded, so chances are when you read the QR code it will take you to a web page. Reviewed by members of Editorial board for inclusion in MERLOT. Useful material in MERLOT Click to get more information on the MERLOT Editors' Choice Award in a new window.

Click to get more information on the MERLOT Classics Award in a new window. Click to get more information on the MERLOT JOLT Award in a new window. Search all MERLOT Click here to go to your profile Click to expand login or register menu Select to go to your workspace Click here to go to your Dashboard Report. Math Water Table.