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Edible plants. The Fantastic Four ? 4 Essential Wild Edible Plants that May Just Save Your Life. Did you realize that knowing just 4 wild edible plants could one day save your life?

The Fantastic Four ? 4 Essential Wild Edible Plants that May Just Save Your Life

If there were any four categories of plants that I would recommend all people to know how to use and identify it would be these: Grass, Oak, Pine, and Cattail. For the knowledgeable survivor, knowing just these four plants can make the difference between life and death if stranded in the wilds – for each one is an excellent food source which can sustain you until help arrives. Throughout this week and part of the next, I’ll be going into details on how you can prepare and eat these plants. For now though, here’s a quick overview into what they have to offer: - Plantas Silvestres Comestibles de Europa: Cenizo (Chenopodium album) Cenizo o ceñiglo (Chenopodium album) EL MACETOHUERTO: Cerraja (Sonchus oleraceus L.) - Planta silvestre comestible. Nombre científico:Sonchus oleraceus L.

EL MACETOHUERTO: Cerraja (Sonchus oleraceus L.) - Planta silvestre comestible

Nombres comunes: cerraja, cerrajón, cardimuelle, cardinchera, lechecino, lechacinos (Castilla-León), lletsó (Cataluña), cardoncho (Castilla la Mancha). Familia: Asteráceas (compuestas) Cerraja de tonalidad cerea iniciando la subida a flor.