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(serious) games

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Innover au service de la relation humaine. MindShift-GuidetoDigitalGamesandLearning.pdf. Haikara - e-learning, sites internet, multimédia, parascolaire. Haikara - e-learning, sites internet, multimédia, parascolaire. [COP 21] Le serious game haletant : Clim Way Paris. Magic College 2 : un « serious game » pour promouvoir les métiers du Bâtiment auprès des collégiens - Emploi / Formation. Des universitaires qui s’initient aux serious games,… qu’en pensent-ils ? Le 26 mars 2015, lors des Ateliers Pédagogiques du Laboratoire d’Innovation Pédagogique (LIP) de l’Université Catholique de Lille, 50 universitaires (professeurs, ingénieurs, administratifs) de l’Université Catholique de Lille et de quelques autres établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche ont découvert les serious games (SG).

Des universitaires qui s’initient aux serious games,… qu’en pensent-ils ?

Ils ont appris à les construire en équipes, puis à y jouer. L’animation de cet atelier a été faite par Marion GERARD (Ingénieur pédagogique, Service d’Informatique Documentaire de la Bibliothèque de l’Université Catholique de Lille), Julian ALVAREZ (Professeur associé à l’Université de Lille 1) et Olivier IRRMANN (Enseignant-Chercheur dans le groupe HEI-ISA-ISEN), experts en la matière. Le programme de l’atelier a été le suivant : Premier temps de 13h30 à 14h00 : Accueil et animation par Jean-Charles CAILLIEZ (Direction du LIP) et Julian ALVAREZ. Deuxième temps de 14h à 15h30 : Construction de 3 jeux (3 équipes). Construction d’un SG en vidéo Oui ! Architectural Models Come to Life in a Video Game World Made From Paper and Cardboard.

The 3D world of gaming has progressed to the point that it is nearly indistinguishable from the real world.

Architectural Models Come to Life in a Video Game World Made From Paper and Cardboard

Entire cities can be modeled with breathtaking detail, and renderings on the internet as well as landscapes in video games have achieved a striking realism. But what of architectural dioramas, those tactile spaces made of paper, foam, and other materials? A new video game called Lumino City takes that in a new direction: it features a setting composed entirely of paper, card, wood, miniature lights, and electric motors.

Made by the London-based developers State of Play Games, Lumino City is the sequel to Lume, the company's first paper-world adventure. Lume was made with stop-frame animation, but for the follow-up, the creative team filmed entire sequences in real-time that are then featured in the game, either as backdrops or as part of the main action. Add To Collection Save this image to a collection Drawings and set building for Lumino City Scenes from Lumino City. Are You Game? 3D Adventures in Architecture. Architecture almost always plays a fundamental role in video games.

Are You Game? 3D Adventures in Architecture

Whether it manifests itself through the simple territorial delineations of Pac-Man or the intricate, lifelike, 3D environments of Grand Theft Auto, video game worlds rely on many of the same principles as their real-life design counterparts. A game that was recently released for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, Monument Valley takes the relationship of architecture and video games in a new direction, using beautiful, challenging architecture as the main protagonist of its 3D adventure. The game is about discovering a world of beauty and fantastic geometry, and rather than simply using the built environment to deliver an experience, the environment becomes the experience.

"My hope for Monument Valley is that it might contribute to the argument that the medium of entertainment we call video games is, in fact, art," said the game's creators on their development blog. Add To Collection Save this image to a collection. Voyageur responsable » jeu l’odyssee responsable.