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Google's Gingras: Media Orgs Need to 'Rethink Everything' Collaborative mapping of fires in Brazilian favelas showcases possibilities for crowdsourcing the news. Brazilian reporter Patrícia Cornils got a surprising response after sharing on Facebook a Google Docs worksheet listing fires in the favelas of São Paulo.

Collaborative mapping of fires in Brazilian favelas showcases possibilities for crowdsourcing the news

Several people joined the collaborative reporting project that became Fogo no Barraco (Fire in the Shanty), an interactive map that cross references data on fires with real estate appreciation near the affected areas. The map demonstrates the journalistic possibilities of online collaboration and crowdsourcing information. According to Cornils, the spreadsheet took off when she decided to open the process and ask for help online. Microsoft launching news operation « General. Microsoft Corp is launching its own news operation as part of its new-look MSN website when Windows 8 launches later this month.

Microsoft launching news operation « General

The world’s largest software company is making a “big, multi-million dollar investment” to create a “decent-sized media operation,” said Bob Visse, general manager, MSN Product Management Group. Microsoft sold its 50 percent stake in news website in July to longtime partner NBCUniversal, now majority-owned by Comcast Corp. Le Huffington Post becomes No. 1 in France. Le site du journal Le Monde franchit le cap du million d'abonnés sur Twitter. 'The role of the journalist in SEO is changing' “The role of the journalist in SEO is changing,” said Eric Olander, former Digital Editor-in-Chief for France 24, an international news network based in Paris.

'The role of the journalist in SEO is changing'

Today’s digital newsrooms are acutely aware that search engine optimisation (SEO), a term that encompasses a range of tactics for getting web content noticed and listed high up in search results by Google and its competitors, is not a magical gloss that in-house tech experts can merely apply to news articles after they have been written. Rather, it is a skill set that all journalists whose work appears online need to possess, and use to their advantage, in order to remain competitive in the digital age. Carla Buzasi interview: Huffington Post's woman in a hurry. Carla Buzasi moves fast.

Carla Buzasi interview: Huffington Post's woman in a hurry

Eighteen months ago, the editor responsible for AOL's disparate collection of web brands in the UK received a round-robin email from the company's chief executive, Tim Armstrong, on the way into work. "I was standing on the platform of Barnes Bridge station, and it was notifying me that AOL had just agreed to purchase the Huffington Post for $315m. Microsoft se retire du site d'actualité Digg sold for just $500,000.

Digg, the "social news" site which was once the poster child for Web 2.0 and valued at up to $175m, has been sold to New York technology development company Betaworks for just $500,000 (£324,000) in cash plus equity.

Digg sold for just $500,000

The sale of the seven-year-old site, founded a few months after Facebook, marks a colossal loss for its former venture capital backers, who put in a total of $45m during its life as an independent. Rossel annonce l'abandon du projet de rapprochement avec Hersant. Murdoch considers splitting up News Corporation. News Corporation is considering dividing itself into two, splitting off its publishing arm from its much larger entertainment division, according to a report in the News Corp-owned Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

Murdoch considers splitting up News Corporation

If Rupert Murdoch brings off the move, it would mean the creation of a publishing business that would comprise News International's papers - The Times, Sunday Times and The Sun - with the WSJ, the New York Post and the book publisher, HarperCollins. The entertainment entity would include the Fox movie studio and television networks that now represent News Corp's strongest and most profitable parts. According to a source cited by the New York Times, the Murdoch family would be likely to retain control of the newly split companies. Such a proposal has been aired in the past, and Murdoch has always rejected it. But the negative effects of the phone-hacking scandal have reopened the door to the notion. Sources: Wall Street Journal/New York Times. First Brazilian newspaper implements paywall to charge for access to digital content. Twitter intègre l'aperçu d'articles dans son fil d'info. Why traditional media should be afraid of Twitter. As we’ve mentioned a number of times, Twitter has been gradually tip-toeing further and further into the media business for some time now.

Why traditional media should be afraid of Twitter

It has already become a real-time newswire for many, a source of breaking news and commentary on live events, and now — with the launch of curated “hashtag pages” like the one it launched late last week for a NASCAR event — it is showing signs of becoming a full-fledged editorial operation. It may not be hiring investigative reporters, but the areas of overlap between what it does and what media companies do is growing, and so is its attractiveness to the advertisers that media entities desperately need to hang onto. Tribune seen nearing bankruptcy conclusion. By Tom Hals WILMINGTON, Del., June 7 Fri Jun 8, 2012 3:14am IST WILMINGTON, Del., June 7 (Reuters) - Tribune Co's long bankruptcy entered what is expected to be the final stage on Thursday, although the media company still faces months of regulatory clearances to transfer broadcast licenses to new owners.

Tribune seen nearing bankruptcy conclusion

The owner of 23 television stations and publisher of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times asked a Delaware bankruptcy court to approve a reorganization plan to pay off creditors. Forbes’ AdVoice Platform - #GEN2012: Inside an analytics-driven French newsroom. The online editor-in-chief of French financial daily Les Echos has described how a steady stream of analytics data is helping journalists do their job – and even having an impact on what appears in the print edition.

#GEN2012: Inside an analytics-driven French newsroom editor-in-chief François Bourboulon said the site had taken analytics seriously in the past three years. Before this time: There was little data given to the news staff about the most read stories on the website. Álex Grijelmo, 'dircom' de Prisa noticias. Brazil now has its own version of the influential Columbia Journalism Review magazine. Qui construira le serendipity engine ?

Qui ?

Qui construira le serendipity engine ?

Yahoo under Levinsohn seen shifting to content, advertising. Knowledge Graph : Google fait un pas vers le web sémantique. Médias & Publicité : Warren Buffett s'offre 63 journaux. Berkshire Hathaway, le holding du milliardaire américain, investit 142 millions de dollars dans un groupe de journaux régionaux aux États-Unis. [Dossier] Et si le web social se dégustait à la sauce latino ? Les experts auraient-ils tourné la tête du mauvais côté ? Alors qu’on pensait, qu’en matière de réseaux sociaux, les Asiatiques allaient vite prendre la relève des nord-Américains, ce sont au final les Latinos, des Etats-Unis et d’Amérique du Sud, qui se montrent les plus dynamiques, chiffres à l’appui. The FT's Digital Subscriptions Could Outnumber Print.

By the end of the year, the Financial Times could have more digital subscribers than it sells print copies,‘s managing director Rob Grimshaw predicted this week during an on-stage interview with NewsCred‘s CEO Shafqat Islam as part of the Internet Week New York. According to Grimshaw, who has been heading the newspaper’s digital operations for the last four years, the FT currently has a whopping 270,000 online subscribers – almost as high as its 310,000 print copy circulation, which it may soon exceed.

Le communiqué de presse toujours chouchou des journalistes. Oui, mais … Une récente enquête menée par Text 100 en Angleterre montre que les communiqués de presse (72%) précèdent de très peu les sites d’entreprise (71%) comme source d’information préférée des journalistes. Ce qui, avouons-le plaide fortement en faveur de communiqués sur un site corporate. AFP foundation project wins IPI news innovation contest. A ground-breaking afp foundation project to develop a network of non-partisan,fact-checking websites at journalism teaching centres in africa and elsewhere was on wednesday named as one of 14 winners of the international press institute's ipi news innovation contest 2012.

The project, being developed in partnership with the journalism department of the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, will use a combination of professional journalism skills and crowd-sourced information to hold the claims of South Africa's leading public figures up to open, non-partisan, scrutiny. Once the concept has been proven in South Africa, the project aims to extend the model to journalism teaching centres in other countries in Africa and beyond. Further details about the development of the project will be announced in coming days and weeks. Translate. Following trend sparked by New York Times, Canada's Globe and Mail to go behind paywall.

Following in the steps of The New York Times and dozens of other newspapers, Canada's principal daily, the Globe and Mail, is setting up a paywall, reported Reuters. Charging for access to online articles is the newspaper industry's latest Hail Mary as newspaper companies struggle to find ways to bump up revenues amid declining print circulation and ad sales. Google Penguin, un algo pas manchot contre les excès de mots clés. Le SEO est mort. Vive le SEO. Les évolutions de l’algorithme de classement des résultats de recherche (ranking) chez Google se suivent à un tel rythme que, sur les deux dernières années, le maitre inconsesté de l’industrie du search a complètement redéfini – par la force – les critères déterminant la visibilité d’une page ou d’un site sur Internet.

Ce n’est pas moi qui m’en plaindrai, chacune des modifications a rendu plus utile la publication de brand content informatif et authentique, plus indispensable une Newsroom pour façonner son image en ligne (même Facebook le dit) et plus légitime le discours que tient PR•ROOMS depuis ses débuts. En fait, je ne pouvais rêver de meilleur sponsor, mais d’autres seront ulcérés par l’alcidé. Digital news cooperatives. Meinolf Ellers, Founder and MD of Germany’s dpa infocom, discusses how news agencies and newspapers can work together to cut costs.

The main challenges in the modern newsroom are that there are now more platforms and channels, which lead to more complexity. “We need more and better customized content, but at the same time we are forced to reduce costs,” Ellers says. The key to moving forward, he says, is using the strict reporter/editor principle: media-neutral news reporting and multi-channel publishing. Facebook launches app store, seeks iPhone magic. Facebook says it is launching an app store that will allow people to get access to social apps on the network, without much heavy lifting. Why 'The Atlantic' No Longer Cares About SEO. Fact-checking : vers une révolution journalistique ? « François Paquay. 137 chiffres, en deux heures et demie. C’est le nombre de chiffres que se sont échangés les deux candidats, mercredi dernier, lors du débat présidentiel. Google News gets the addition of Google+ comments. Kim Andrew Elliott reporting on International Broadcasting.

Meltwater says AP’s copyright lawsuit threatens all search engines. Newspaper Boom In Asia Defies Trends In West. Today on Yahoo! Quand l’Unnatural Links Update de Google détruit des empires, bénissez votre marque et vos RP. Making a nationwide paywall work. Journalists face divide between traditional and digital news. [Etude] Les chiffres clefs de la consommation digitale de l’information. Go offline to do great stories, former CNN journalist says. Bloomberg and Reuters: The Future of News. Talking Biz News. Sink or Swim: Digital Publishers Need to Be Bold. New operating model, new website: how Le Monde plans to connect with online readers. Publishers Press aggregation app, The Magazine Channel, targets niche content.

An overview of the social media ecosystem. Only 19.5% of News Release Headlines are Optimized for SEO : Schwartz Crossroads. GigaOm Buys PaidContent. Floating Facebook: The value of friendship. Sky News clamps down on Twitter use. News agencies must evolve or meet extinction. News agencies must evolve or meet extinction. Yahoo! Statement. The continuing digital transformation of the New York Times by Arthur Sulzberger. Archivo de Noticias Financieras sobre noodls - Yahoo! Argentina Finanzas. Archivo de Noticias Financieras sobre noodls - Yahoo! Finanzas. Archivo de Noticias Financieras sobre noodls - Yahoo! México Finanzas. Arquivo de Notícias Financeiras sobre noodls. Jeremy Baraquin (@noodlsdotcom) sur Twitter. Noodls stocks (@noodls_stocks) sur Twitter.

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