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Moon phases 2012 & 2013. View topic - Vassago's list of commands. This is an attempt to list all of Vassago's commands. But first, a bit about Vassago. Vassago is a chat room bot. A bot is a helper robot. Vassago ("he") helps to give definitions to words or subjects, like elements of Wicca or Paganism. Sometimes it's easier to use Vassago to explain very common nomenclature to people--like definitions to questions or concepts that people ask over and over again. Vassago ftoc 32 Some commands require you to auth. /msg Vassago auth SecretPasswordGoesHere If you ever want to change your password, just auth and then reauth with a different password. Here's a list of Vassago's public commands. HelpUsage: Vassago helpGets a current list of Vassago's commands. CurseThere are Mods/Ops that help keep the room in order, tasked with removing trolls and other annoying things, however, there are times when Mods aren't around.

RunesUsage: Vassago RunesGets a runes reading. MoonUsage: Vassago MoonFind out the Moon's fullness and position in the sky. College Wicca - Wicca Chat - Witchcraft - Wicca - Pagan - Druid - Witch. Prayer for a New Home - Land folk, I am here, newly arrived to this pl. Hymn To Herne. Acoustic Levitation Of Stones. Acoustic Levitation Of Stones by Bruce Cathie Monastery construction, Tibetan style according to Swedish Designer Henry Kjellson The steep mountain side is on the right. Tibetan Monks levitate stones by using an acoustic levitation technique with the aid of drams in this 1939 sketch by Swedish aircraft designer Henry Kjellson. A New Zealand scientist recently gave me an intriguing extract from an article published in a German magazine, relating to a demonstration of levitation in Tibet.

All the similar types of stories that I had read up until now were generally devoid of specific information necessary to prove the veracity of the account. The following report is based on observations which were made only 20 years ago in Tibet. A Swedish doctor, Dr Jarl, a friend of Kjelsons, studied at Oxford. Dr Jarl stayed there for some time, and because of his friendship with the Tibetans he learned a lot of things that other foreigners had no chance to hear about, or observe. Mythical Creatures List, Mythical Creatures A-Z - StumbleUpon. Sexual Offenses in New York State Penal Law. New York State Penal Code Article 130 – Sex Offences §130.00 Sex offenses; definitions of terms. The following definitions are applicable to this article: “Sexual intercourse” has its ordinary meaning and occurs upon any penetration, however slight. (a) “Oral sexual conduct” means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the mouth and the penis, the mouth and the anus, or the mouth and the vulva or vagina.

. §130.05 Sex offenses; lack of consent. Whether or not specifically stated, it is an element of every offense defined in this article that the sexual act was committed without consent of the victim. . §130.10 Sex offenses; limitations; defenses. §130.16 Sex offenses; corroboration. §130.20 Sexual misconduct. A person is guilty of sexual misconduct when: Sexual misconduct is a class A misdemeanor. §130.25 Rape in the third degree. A person is guilty of rape in the third degree when: §130.30 Rape in the second degree. A person is guilty of rape in the second degree when: Division of Code Enforcement and Administration.