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Théorie de l'information

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Persée : Portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales. Michael Buckland's Paul Otlet Page. Le développement d'Internet. Information theory. Overview[edit] The main concepts of information theory can be grasped by considering the most widespread means of human communication: language.

Information theory

Two important aspects of a concise language are as follows: First, the most common words (e.g., "a", "the", "I") should be shorter than less common words (e.g., "roundabout", "generation", "mediocre"), so that sentences will not be too long. Such a tradeoff in word length is analogous to data compression and is the essential aspect of source coding. Second, if part of a sentence is unheard or misheard due to noise — e.g., a passing car — the listener should still be able to glean the meaning of the underlying message. Such robustness is as essential for an electronic communication system as it is for a language; properly building such robustness into communications is done by channel coding.