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Bookbinding tutorial part 1. Plastic Bottle Construction | Apartment Therapy Re-Nest. Un cadre fait de petites cuillères. Revolver » The Shop: Penny Floor. A little French Chocolate. I will admit it. I am ridiculously excited to share my latest project! It turned out just like the picture in my head--and that does NOT always happen! I started out with this: It was a very beat-up garage sale table, but I loved it the moment I set eyes on it. All the chains, screwdrivers, and hammers in the world can't recreate that perfectly "naturally distressed" look like this table had! And I loved the industrial feel of the iron base. And here's what I turned it into! I wanted the table to look like it had been made from an old shipping crate...and I think I succeeded pretty well.

Here's how I did it: I started by looking at clipart from The Graphics Fairy. I sanded the old finish off the table, but I didn't worry at all about smoothing out nicks, dings, or scratches. I printed off my clipart, and then took it to Office Max and had them copy it onto an overhead transparency sheet. Then for the next two hours, I looked like this: and this! (and yes, my back REALLY HURT by bedtime!) And. Glass Etched Glasses. Paper Plates & Cookie Sprinkles Wreath Tutorial. Are you interested in making this wreath? Yeah! I'm flattered that you like my idea! Follow the step by step tutorial below. Supply List: 50 white paper plates (give or take a few, it's going to depend on how tight you make your flowers) grapevine wreath form (I used a JoAnns 50% off coupon I paid $2.50 +tax) 2-3 cups of coffee (plus a bit extra for yourself) craft glue small bowl small inexpensive paint brush cookie sprinkles hot glue gun & glue sticks ribbon of your choosing large dish for coffee cookie sheet candle Step 1: This is going to give the paper plate flowers an antiqued or aged look.

Step 2: Cut each plate into spirals. Once all the spirals have been cut you can proceed to the burning step. Step 3: Now you've got all these gorgeous spirals with burnt edges and it's time to assemble the flowers. Just keep on working until all 50 flowers are assembled. Step 4: Adding the cookie sprinkles and building the wreath. Voila! But wait... you can embellish it however you like. Jenny K. Un cadre fait de petites cuillères. Eye on Fashion: Valentino inspired studded shoes DIY. The shoes as i bought them le scarpe prima del trattamento the inspiration: Valentino studded shoes a pair of shoes a long belt gold studs un paio di scarpe una cinta borchie a volontà to make the pattern of the border of the shoes i've wrapped them with plastic film per fare il modello dello scollo della scarpa l'ho avvolta con la pellicola I've marked the border ho ricalcato il bordo I've taken off the plastic and adjusted its width ho tolto la plastica dalla scarpa e regolato la larghezza del modello I've cut the leather following the pattern Ho ritagliato la pelle seguendo il modello I have added the studs Ho aggiunto le borchie I tried the piece onto the shoe Ho fatto la prova del pezzo sulla scarpa I've folded and glued the border Ho ripiegato e incollato i bordi I've tried on the shoe and wrapped my foot with paper and scotch Ho infilato la scarpa e ho avvolto il piede di carta e l'ho fermato con lo scotch I've drawn the straps onto the pattern Con un pennarello ho disegnato la posizione dei laccetti.

Bloom, Bake & Create » Blog Archive » Ice Fabric Dyeing. Did you say you don’t have snow and want to do some dyeing? Well, before I put up my dyeing stuff, I thought I’d try one more type of dyeing – ice dyeing. For those of us who don’t have snow or would like to try this in the summer, this is an alternative. Please read my getting started and my fabric dye precautions posts before attempting this or any fabric reactive dye project. Since Judi had suggested I set my fabric up out of the dye, I tried that this time. I set a metal rack on top of cat food cans which I put into my dyeing container. I then folded my material and placed it on top of the rack. Folded fabric on rack I topped the fabric with ice cubes.

Ice cubes on top of fabric I then sprinkled dye powder over the snow. Green, Raspberry and Yellow Dyes over ice cubes Follow procedures as other dyeing. After 24 hours Now to rinse, wash and dry. And this is what I got from this ice dyeing. Finished Ice Dyed Fabric I am so pleased with this piece. Eye on Fashion: DIY inspirations:zippers. Eye on Fashion: DIY lab:The candy wrappers purse. A friend of mine went to New York and brought me as a present a coin purse by Nahui Ollin. I had already seen them online but i never had one of these in hand. These bags are made of candy wrappers folded and framed together. They form a line of paper then sewn together to form a thick fabric.I wanted to find out how were they made and do a bag on my own! I made the one you see above! We don't have these kind of candy wrappers but we can subsistute them with the paper of our fashion magazines! Other possible styles bags by ecoist.

Jute table runner. Jute webbing is commonly used by gardeners for holding plants and trees upright without damage. Used in a more unusual way, it also makes a smart and very cost effective table runner. A whole roll costs less than $10 and for this project you'll have enough left over to create a few smaller placemats too. You will need: Jute garden webbingHot glue gun or fabric craft glueSewing machineRed cotton threadSharp scissors How to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A Gripping Yarn - Beyond Beyond | Beyond Beyond. We are getting a tad concerned that we might require a restraining order from all places crafty the moment because we can’t get enough of making stuff right now and top of the make list is Yarn chandaliers.

These objects of DIY lushness make us incredibly happy, they make house decor epicness, but not only that they are a perfect idea for centrepieces and party decoration. So, if you fancy getting your make on this weekend please check out this awesome tutorial on how to make these bad boys on Crafted Love. The photographic glory goes to: Sarah Yates About the author I'm the big kahuna with the whole shebang. Amma = Idiot + Savant. Books / woven : Natalie Stopka. Jak zrobić średniowieczny dziennik. PARACORD GERM GRENADE. Braided Skeleton Knife Handle. Lino stamp fabric printing tutorial | BlueBerry Ash. Fabric stamping one of my favorite ways to create a fabric with a special touch. For a crafty minds it’s a really good fun! Its easy, quick and effective. For a fabric stamping you can use different materials for example most accessible and probably everybody have it at home is a potato, very good for creating organic style pattens, an eraser, a tree twigs, a foil,a pencils basically what ever comes to your mind you can use as a stamp.

In this tutorial I want to show how to make a stamp out of linoleum or lino what most people call this material. I am not a teacher so please excuse me if it’s not very clearly written hopefully the images will help my text, but if you struggle let me know and I will try to explain better. (This is my collection af stamps, as you can be seen on photo I used them a lot ) A few things to know: Carving tools are sharp; keep your face away from tools. Let me introduce you my supervisor Alex, none of my jobs are done without her sharp eyes and curious nose.

Nature in a Necklace | Mr. Lentz. After returning from my jaunt through the Redwood forests of the Pacific Northwest I realized that I itched allllll over. Luckily for me the cause of thine itch was not the abundantly growing and epidermally irritating brush with poison oak (the likes of which sprout every four inches on any trail you take in these woods… leaves of three let them be, but more on that later, you see.). No, I had a deeper and more exhaustive itch. Thus one would then question the next probable action of checking for ticks in my loins. None to be seen. This itch was the general desire to create works that would include some notion of the abundant, growing on everything, life that exists in those Redwood forests. In a very unusual turn for me I decided to take up the delicate craft of jewelry making. . … which brings me to a topic that is the driving force behind the works that I am creating…. WearNature: Redwood Part II WearNature: Beast Part I Help a cowboy out and share with yer' friends...

Decorative Painting Techniques. Temari by Barbara B. Suess, Author of Japanese Temari, Kiku Designs Japanese Arts and Crafts Temari. DONE! Quick Release Paracord Holder. How to Make Crayon Monogram | Tutorial. Toothbrush Painting. DIY Gold Painted Jeans. Chloé’s Fall 2010 gold embroidered, part mariachi-part cowboy denim pants were our inspiration for this week’s DIY. Such elaborate embroidering is beyond our skill set, so we figured stenciling a beautiful pattern using gold fabric paint would be a more feasible interpretation.

Who knew paper doilies made the perfect stencil? Lightly spray the doilies with the adhesive and press down firmly on the jeans. We overlapped the doilies and stopped at three but there really isn’t a right or wrong way to creating your own pattern. Gently dab paint into the negative spaces of the doily, making sure not to overload the paintbrush. Apply at least another coat of paint, let dry and peel back the doilies to reveal the pattern. (top image here and here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF)

DIY Pom Poms. If you don’t absolutely love pom poms or haven’t ever considered making them yourself, perhaps we can sway you after this week’s DIY. We adore pom poms and were beyond excited to discover the Clover Pom Pom Maker, which allows you to crank out pom poms of all sizes and 10 times faster than the conventional method. You will need a few skeins of yarn, a Clover Pom Pom Maker and a pair of scissors. The Clover Pom Pom Maker separates the process into two halves; you’ll start the first half of the pom pom by cutting about 7 yards of yarn. A time saving trick is to double it up twice, so you are working with 4 strands at one time.

Because time is money, right? Wrap the yarn from one edge of the arch to the other, making sure you have the entire area covered. Close the arch and repeat the same steps on the other side. We must warn you that this process is quite addicting and you really can’t stop at just one. (all images by Honestly…WTF) How to make a working mosaic clock. This is a mosaic clock that works. The following steps will help you make one too. (This is my first instructable, so if you have anything to say just ask in the comments below. I would love to hear everyone`s opinion and want them to be happy.) Lets get started! Step 1: Materials You will need the following items: - Clock movement motor (it comes with clock hands) - Plastic numbers - Mosaic tiles (or any tiles of your choice) - Mosaic tile grout - Circular piece of wood - Super glue you can get all of these items at a craft store near you. Step 2: Add a center hole This step is pretty simple. Step 3: Lay the tiles Place the mosaic tiles where you want them to be on the circular wood.

Step 4: Glue the tiles into place Take the super glue and glue the mosaic tiles into place. Step 5: Add mosaic grout Take a blob of the mosaic grout and place it on the tiles. Step 6: Optional side mosaic tile. DIY Moleskine Scrapbook. Erica and I never leave home without a Moleskine notebook (we still like to take notes the old fashioned way with a notebook and pen)! So when our friend Karen (of Lulu Loves Caleb) showed us her fabric embellished Moleskine Cahier Notebook, we jumped at the opportunity to have her show us how she did it. You’ll need a sewing machine, a kraft brown Moleskin Cahier Notebook of any size, a piece of fabric, a glue stick and a pair of scissors.

Start by cutting down your fabric to a size that is small enough to fit on your notebook. We cut a 2.5″ x 5″ rectangle for the pocket sized book and 3″ x 8″ rectangle for the larger book. Glue your fabric to the front cover of your notebook. It’s possible you won’t be able to stop yourself from sewing fabric to paper…it’s that addicting. (all images by Honestly…WTF) Nini Makes: Paper. Old postcards I finally made it back for the giveaway. I've been so quiet really here in this space that there will probably be very good odds for this giveaway as not too many people may be reading at this point.

First a little about these cards. England has a lot of little places tucked away that really haven't changed much since the 1950's, so the whole vintage thing is easy to fix up around here. In Taunton there is a place that definitely hasn't changed at all in decades, it's a stamp shop creatively names "The Taunton Stamp Shop" and you'll find it along the road on the way to the station. I'd give you a link to it's website but there were no websites in the 1950's. If you go there, admire the rows and rows of built in drawers with old lucite handles and paper ephemera from floor to ceiling. While there I came across packs of postcards. Old stamps Reading the short messages are like snapshots from the lives of strangers.

The giveaway StampsAlso, a largish matchbox full of old stamps. Make a Leather Belt. Many times the perfect look all comes down to the details. Stylists will tell you that even if you have the best jeans and the hottest sweater, the shoes and the belt and the purse are still totally crucial. Do-it-yourself fashionistas make their own jewelry, and can sew up a cute bag for any outfit, but did you know it’s not as daunting as you think to make your own custom leather belt? My good friend Obie Beaver is a talented leatherworker, and he taught me the simple steps for making my own belt.

Leatherworkers spend a lifetime collecting tools for carving belts, but Obie developed an amazing pattern using found objects. Materials 1 leather belt blank* 1 buckle Tape measure Scissors X-Acto blade Hole punching tool or awlAssorted metal socket wrenches, bolts, and nuts Dense piece of wood to use as a hammer Scrap of marble or granite to use as a base for hammering Leather dye Paper towels Gloves Neatsfoot oil Leather conditioner Water*I ordered my supplies from Tandy Leather. Directions. Jak zrobić smocze jajo. Jak zrobić postarzany papier.

Stamped tags with vegetables in Crafts for home stationery and paper for birthdays, anniversaries or dinners. Decorating a pot with jute. Paper mache teacup in Craft ideas for original gifts and presents. Paint Moss Graffiti - Step-by-Step Guides for Offbeat DIY Projects. Decorated yarn twigs in Crafts for decorating and home decor. Sytyc:week three. V and Co how to: jersey knit bracelet. Can lid plant markers in Crafts for decorating and home decor. Pencil stamps in Crafts for decorating and home decor. Print Hula Hoop Rug Page | Crafts | FamilyFun. How-To: Cyanotype Print on Handknits. Pottery barn looking decorative balls.