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Prototype Robotics. A Multi-Protocol Infrared Remote Library for the Arduino. Do you want to control your Arduino with an IR remote? Do you want to use your Arduino to control your stereo or other devices? This IR remote library lets you both send and receive IR remote codes in multiple protocols. It supports NEC, Sony SIRC, Philips RC5, Philips RC6, and raw protocols. If you want additional protocols, they are straightforward to add. The library can even be used to record codes from your remote and re-transmit them, as a minimal universal remote.

To use the library, download from github and follow the installation instructions in the readme. How to send This infrared remote library consists of two parts: IRsend transmits IR remote packets, while IRrecv receives and decodes an IR message. #include <IRremote.h> IRsend irsend; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if ( ! This sketch sends a Sony TV power on/off code whenever a character is sent to the serial port, allowing the Arduino to turn the TV on or off. How to receive Hardware setup. Arduino Tutorial - connecting a parallel LCD. KS0108 Graphics LCD library. Arduino LCD playground | KS0108 Graphics LCD library KS0108/glcd is an unofficial Arduino library that supports Graphic LCDs (GLCD) that use the KS0108 (or equivalent) chip.

The next version of the GLCD library (v3 - now called "glcd") is now available. It has higher performance, more features, supports more Arduino boards and is easier to integrate with different panels than version 2 The latest build of the glcd library can be found here: glcd library downloads The library includes example sketches and a readme.txt file to explain the basics of adding a library as well as extensive documentation.For the latest and most complete documentation refer to the html documentation included in the library download. (click on glcd/doc/GLCDref.htm to bring up HTML documentation) Support for Arduino 1.x (still works with pre 1.x IDEs) Support for Mega 2560 and Teensy Easier pin assignment.

Version 2 (added July 2009) supports the Mega and Sanguino boards, and has the following new features: and. Arduino Forum.