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"L'espace est vaste, mais l'humanité sera plus. What if we lived on the moon?" Anyone who grew up with the Apollo moon launches in the 1970s, along with the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" (which premiered in 1968), was left with the impression that there would be c­olonies on the moon any day now.

What if we lived on the moon?"

Given that it's now more than 30 years later and there's been no significant progress, it's safe to assume there won't be a moon colony any time soon. But it's still a tantalizing thought. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to live, vacation and work on the moon? Let's say we did want to colonize the moon. There are some basic needs that the moon colonists would have to take care of if this were any sort of long-term living arrangement.

It would be ideal to get as much of these resources as possible from the moon itself, because shipping costs to the moon are unbelievable -- something on the order of $50,000 per pound. Obtaining breathable air, in the form of oxygen, is fairly easy on the moon. Water is trickier. Colonization of Mars. An artist's conception of a human Mars base, with a cutaway revealing an interior horticultural area The colonization of Mars refers to the concept of humans setting out to live permanently on Mars.

Colonization of Mars

Originally a science fiction idea, it is now the subject of serious feasibility studies. Relative similarity to Earth[edit] Earth is similar to its "sister planet" Venus in bulk composition, size and surface gravity, but Mars's similarities to Earth are more compelling when considering colonization. These include: Differences from Earth[edit] Conditions for human habitation[edit] Conditions on the surface of Mars are closer to the conditions on Earth in terms of temperature, atmospheric pressure than on any other planet or moon, except for the cloud tops of Venus,[11] but are not hospitable to humans or most known life forms due to greatly reduced air pressure, an atmosphere with only 0.1% oxygen, and the lack of liquid water (although large amounts of frozen water have been detected).

Colonisation de la Lune. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Colonisation de la Lune

Vue d'artiste d'une base lunaire (vers 1970). La colonisation de la Lune est le projet consistant à installer une voire plusieurs bases permanentes habitées sur la Lune. Une présence humaine permanente sur un corps planétaire autre que la Terre est un thème récurrent de science-fiction. Alors que la technologie a évolué et que les soucis sur l'avenir de l'humanité sur Terre progressent, la colonisation de l'espace pourrait devenir un but possible et nécessaire. La Lune constituerait alors une excellente préparation en vue de voyages plus lointains.

Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Les projets utilisant des lanceurs classiques[modifier | modifier le code] Dès 1958, plusieurs projets, américains comme soviétiques, visent à installer des bases plus ou moins permanentes sur la Lune. La réutilisation d'éléments du programme Apollo[modifier | modifier le code] Space Colonization Wiki. [Mod Craft] All craft from my Constellation mission vid.

Constellation Mission Craft These are all the craft from my Constellation Mission Vid (and the vid if you've not seen it) These are not exactly the original craft from the vid.

[Mod Craft] All craft from my Constellation mission vid

The vid was done in 20.2 but I've now updated them to work in 21.1, they are essentially the same, some small parts have been replaced and the versions of the mods they use have been updated. You can still download the 20.2 versions (two versions, one for old mechjeb and one for the new) The download links are at the end of this post, as zips that contains all the craft and all the parts/plugins that are needed (There is also a table that shows all the action groups for the craft)I will try to explain a bit about how to operate them and there is also a table that details the action groups for all the craft further down.Hab Module The Hab module is lander with a max capacity of 9 crew, but it is intended to be a 6 man lander with a 3 man ascent module.