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Flow. The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model - Team Management Training From MindTools. Analyzing and Improving Employee Well-Being A positive working environment can reduce work-related stress. © iStockphoto/Graugaard Indira works in a high-pressure role.

The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model - Team Management Training From MindTools

However, she is rarely stressed or upset by this – in fact, she thrives, despite the demands of her job. One reason for this is that her boss and her organization are so supportive. Indira is also friends with many of her colleagues, and she sets aside time each week to meet them for coffee. Indira's situation illustrates the idea behind the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model. Note: The word "resources" is confusing here, as it has a different meaning (we'll define this below) from its everyday one. In this article, we'll look at the JD-R Model, and discuss how you can use it to analyze and improve your team's well-being and engagement. About the Model Researchers Arnold Bakker and Evangelia Demerouti developed the JD-R Model in 2006, publishing their findings in The Journal of Managerial Psychology. Uses of the Model Key Points.

Daily Rituals

Well-being. Developing Character, Courage & College Readiness. Leaders often cut their own path.

Developing Character, Courage & College Readiness

That is certainly the case for Dan Scoggin, perhaps the most countercultural guy in K-12. The Phoenix school network leader has an unusual “reverence for western tradition.” Back-to-basics doesn’t come close to describing Great Hearts Academies, a K-12 charter network offering “classical education, revolutionary schools.” The elementary schools follow the Core Knowledge curriculum. There are no electives in high school (other than the latin/greek track). The high school day starts with Humane Letters, a two-hour Socratic seminar where students read great books and the founding documents.

There is no reference to pop culture at Great Hearts–just the study of spirit, law, and philosophy. Raphael’s painting School of Athens (1510) adorns the lobby of all Great Hearts schools–placing the Aristotle-Socrates dialectic center stage. Scoggins uses unusual language to describe aims: the lifelong pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. Kern Convening.

Gallup's Five Domains of Well-Being

Brandon Busteed of Gallup » Video. On Being a Real Person: The Missing Core of K-12 - Vander Ark on Innovation. A small green book with the audacious title anchors a prominent stack of books in our family room.

On Being a Real Person: The Missing Core of K-12 - Vander Ark on Innovation

On Being a Real Person by Harry Emerson Fosdick offers up a formula for health and happiness rooted in personal responsibility and his Baptist faith. Seventy years later there are fewer of us with Harry's formulaic clarity. George Packer's new book outlines America's unwinding , "allowing unprecedented freedom while rending the social contract, driving the political system to the verge of breakdown, and setting citizens adrift to find new paths forward. " David Brooks writes frequently about the impact of the unraveling social contract, "People don't behave badly because they lack information about their shortcomings.

They behave badly because they've fallen into patterns of destructive behavior from which they're unable to escape. " In Emerson's day, many students experienced alignment of behavioral expectations between school, home, and a faith congregation. The role of school. Linking Empathy to Health, Green-living, and Peace. 1.

Linking Empathy to Health, Green-living, and Peace

Please describe what the Olymp-i-a Challenge is all about and how you got involved in this project. As a public health physician, working for over 30 years with children with disabilities and their families, I learned the importance of empathy. When we have empathy, we minimize our assumptions. We look deeper than face-value. We look for and recognize the “abilities” in people.

I see three key issues to be of paramount importance to our future well-being and existence as a global society: health, green-living and peace. Idea4Idea. Hope Survey. How Children Succeed: Attachment, Advisory & Adversity. Paul Tough takes on the enormous question of How Children Succeed in his new book.

How Children Succeed: Attachment, Advisory & Adversity

In a well-produced long interview with Ira Glass, Tough said, “We don’t teach the most important skills,” a list that includes “persistence, self-control, curiosity, conscientiousness, grit and self-confidence.” Tough points to the work of James Heckman, the Nobel winning economist who has studied investments in early childhood development. The Heckman Equation is to “invest in the very young.” His research suggests that ” early childhood education has very good returns .” Dr. To learn more, we called our friends at WestEd and it turns out they feel so strongly about this topic that they’ve left behind the dispassion of research and mounted an advocacy campaign called For Our Babies. Sustained relationships. At the secondary level, the shuffle of a discipline-based master schedule can lead to a lack of sustained relationships and more opportunities for students to fall through the cracks.

Adversity. How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character: Paul Tough: 9780547564654: Healthy Schools: Emotional Health & Wellbeing.