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The Right to Education. Education is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other human rights.

The Right to Education

It promotes individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits. Yet millions of children and adults remain deprived of educational opportunities, many as a result of poverty. Normative instruments of the United Nations and UNESCO lay down international legal obligations for the right to education. These instruments promote and develop the right of every person to enjoy access to education of good quality, without discrimination or exclusion. These instruments bear witness to the great importance that Member States and the international community attach to normative action for realizing the right to education.

Education is a powerful tool by which economically and socially marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty and participate fully as citizens. WHAT’S IN MY BAG? – Uprooted – Medium. This year, nearly 100,000 men, women and children from war-torn countries in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia have fled their homes and traveled by rubber dinghies across the Aegean Sea to Lesbos, Greece.

WHAT’S IN MY BAG? – Uprooted – Medium

Refugees travel light, for their trek is as dangerous as it is arduous. They are detained, shot at, hungry. Smugglers routinely exploit them, promising safety for a price, only to squeeze them like sardines into tiny boats. Most have no option but to shed whatever meager belongings they may have salvaged from their journeys. Those allowed to bring extra baggage aboard often toss it overboard, frantically dumping extra weight as the leaky boats take on water. Few arrive at their destinations with anything but the necessities of life. “You will feel that you are a human. Syria refugee crisis FAQ: What you need to know. “The children of Syria have experienced more hardship, devastation, and violence than any child should have to in a thousand lifetimes,” says Dr.

Syria refugee crisis FAQ: What you need to know

Christine Latif, World Vision’s response manager for Turkey and northern Syria. World Vision staff in the region say the situation in Aleppo city is the most dire they have ever seen it. World Vision has worked in Aleppo governorate since 2013. “Civilians have been continually in harm’s way, caught in the cross-fire and changing front lines. Civilian infrastructure has been targeted, leading to mass civilian casualties, including women and children,” says Angela Huddleston, program manager for the organization’s Syria response. Angela says with high levels of civilian casualties, stores of medical supplies are being depleted rapidly. Myths & facts surrounding refugee. REFUGEES in AUSTRALIA Myths & Facts Myths and Facts Individual Get involved as an individual Individual Schools Get involved in our school Schools Community Get involved in our community Community myths and facts Seeking asylum is a human right.

Myths & facts surrounding refugee

What does it mean to seek asylum? All individuals are responsible for getting the FACTS right. It is important to know the truth. NSW University Centre for Refugee Research Celebrating Refugee Lives Booklet Refugee Council of Australia Mythbuster The Centre for Policy Development Refugee Facts Amnesty International Australia Frequently Asked Questions Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Resource for Teachers (myths and facts) The classroom and beyond. Future Learning Spaces for the students of Za’atari – Educator Hotspot. Vision Statement My goal as an educator is to provide my students with a thorough and holistic learning experience.

Future Learning Spaces for the students of Za’atari – Educator Hotspot

I endeavour to help prepare them to participate and contribute to their local, national and global society in ways which are meaningful and enriching for themselves and for others. As an educator, my aim is to enable my students to develop a strong sense of identity and a connection with the world around them. I am striving to help develop confident learners and effective communicators. As an educator, my hope is for no less for the children of Za’atari. Education is so much more than just literacy and numeracy skills. Ultimately, education within the confines of a refugee camp should involve play, creativity, imagination, support, exploration, reflection, innovation, cooperation, independence, collaboration, fun, challenge and transformation – nothing less than I would strive to achieve anywhere else for a 21st century learner.

Links Embedded Image. Like this: Like Loading... Teachers Without Borders. Teachers Without Borders - Teachers. Leaders. Worldwide. 4a1d5ba36. UNHCR - UNHCR reports crisis in refugee education. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, released a report today showing that more than half – 3.7 million – of the 6 million school-age children under its mandate have no school to go to.

UNHCR - UNHCR reports crisis in refugee education

Some 1.75 million refugee children are not in primary school and 1.95 million refugee adolescents are not in secondary school, the report found. Refugees are five times more likely to be out of school than the global average. “This represents a crisis for millions of refugee children,” said Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees. “Refugee education is sorely neglected, when it is one of the few opportunities we have to transform and build the next generation so they can change the fortunes of the tens of millions of forcibly displaced people globally.”

Refugee education in crisis: three standout statistics Entitled "Missing Out: Refugee Education in Crisis", the report compares UNHCR data on refugee education with UNESCO data on global school enrolment. UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency.