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Adobe LIGHTROOM. Digital Infrared Photography IR Conversion, Modification & Scratched Sensor Repair. Halftone Mania. When I was thumbing through some magazines the other day, I noticed a number of ads using halftone effects. Photoshop provides a few different ways to show a halftone effect. This tutorial will walk you through them. The first one is the Halftone Pattern filter. We’ll start with our image, I used another from PhotoSpin (PhotoSpin #1490009), and extracting the object from the background. The Halftone Pattern Filter works with the two colors you have chosen as your foreground/background. I sampled two colors from her skin. Duplicate the layer [Ctrl + J].

Size: 2 Contrast: 5 Pattern Type: dot Prett exciting, huh? The next one is the Color Halftone filter. Now go to [Filter > Pixelate > Color Halftone]. The third way is a little more of the effect I see in magazines. In your new document, go to [Image > Mode > Grayscale]. Now run a big Gaussian Blur [Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur] of around 30 or 40. Go to [Image > Mode > Bitmap]. You should now get an effect like this: Photoshop Tutorial Blog. Filters. Photoshop Textures. Plug ins. Prezi.

Best Photoshop Tutorials. Photoshop Brushes. PetaPixel.