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Curation. Deep Web. How To Tweet in Just 5 Minutes a Week - Stepcase Lifehack. If you’re among the Twitter addicts who update multiple times per day this post won’t be of very much use.

How To Tweet in Just 5 Minutes a Week - Stepcase Lifehack

For those of you who are slowly moving away from Twitter because you don’t have the time for daily interaction, keep reading! There are three primary reasons why users fail to update their Twitter streams: Lack of interest – You used Twitter for a few months but never really connected with other users.Professional involvement – You spend so much time tweeting for clients that updating your own page feels like too much work.Lack of time – You invested a lot of time on Twitter back in the day but quickly found that you spent too much time on the site for what you got out of the experience. In light of the near-fact that short-form text communications are here to stay, you should consider giving Twitter another try.

Why? will always rank well on search engines. That’s right. Sign up for a 3rd party platform that allows you to schedule tweets ahead of time. Twitter Hack: 5 Ways To Up Your Visible IQ - Stepcase Lifehack. Why should you care about appearing smart on Twitter?

Twitter Hack: 5 Ways To Up Your Visible IQ - Stepcase Lifehack

Because the people who hire, promote, fire, date, marry, and divorce you will all read your tweets (updates) at some point. It’s always a good idea to put your best foot forward. Why not do the same on Twitter? Why not make an effort to appear as smart as you can? A “visible IQ” is a short way of describing the sum total of everything I can point to and say “see, this person [you] is really smart.” No context – You don’t get to explain yourself.Real-time pressure – Everybody is updating NOW! If you’d like to take some practical steps to make sure you’re doing everything you can to seem smart, try these tips to boost your visible IQ on Twitter: 1.

Don’t let your cellphone complete any texts being sent out as a tweet. 2. Posting tweets from Facebook and myriad other social platforms initially looks like a good idea. 3. Every complex thought reduced to 140 characters will end up sounding like it was pulled from a hookah. 4. 5. Frequently Asked Questions. What is this about?

Frequently Asked Questions

When we log on to the Internet via our computer or smartphone, we take a lot for granted. We assume we'll be able to access any website or use any application we want, whenever we want, at the fastest speed, whether it's a corporate site or a friend’s blog. We assume we can use any service we like — watch online videos, update our Facebook status, read the news — any time we choose, on any device we choose. What makes all these assumptions possible is a principle called Net Neutrality. What is Net Neutrality? Net Neutrality is the Internet’s guiding principle: It preserves our right to communicate freely online. Net Neutrality means that Internet service providers may not discriminate between different kinds of online content and apps.