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Comforting Homemade Soup Recipes. Chilly fall mornings and cold winter evenings–nothing brings comforting warmth straight to the bones like a piping hot bowl of homemade soup. It’s also a great way to use up vegetables and leftover meat (and get the last bit of goodness from a turkey or chicken carcass, ham or beef bone and a smart way to take advantage of unappealing cuts of meat that are pennies per pound). You can make your own flavorful stocks using vegetable scraps (see this page for details) too. Delicious! This Hit List features a nice ‘n hearty collection of recipes that I handpicked from around the net. *Ingredients listed are a sample only, not a complete list Bread & Tomato: Tuscan version made in just 20 minutes! Did you know: Most homemade soups taste BETTER the second day! Simmer slowly for hours rather than at a boil. Jamie at Home - English onion soup.flv. French Onion Soup - Delia Smith - BBC.

Thai Chicken Noodle Soup. 12 Healthy Soup Recipes for Fall and Winter.