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Mikro Club Flyer - Advertising. Adham Dannaway. TheFWA. Depuis 1999, PRAKTICA alimente votre inspiration (Webdesign, Print, Photo, Motion) :: Accueil. Creative news | Beautifully Webdesign Links. 52 Large Photo Background In Web Design Examples | Web Designers Inspiration and Online Resource | Web Designers Blog. Large photo background web design seems to be a trend before, a seamless border which create a very amazing web design yet in unique style of decoration. Large Background Web Design usually use either photography or an abstract illustration to stand out from the other lame web design which limited to the boundary of div, or table.

If you are going to have a photo or image background in your web design, here are some great examples & tutorials of photo background websites for you.I hope you like it. 1. Ecovittaresidencial 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. as architecture 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. vivogroup 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 8thcontinent 49. 50. icolorz 51. E-magazine, Gallery, Portfolio, Connection, Desig.

Graphisme : 99 sites indispensables. Suite au très bon article « 39 Addictions - Designers just can’t stop » sur l’excellent blog Noupe, l’envie m’est venue de vous présenter 99 excellents sites sans lesquels je ne pourrais pas vivre que je fréquente. Cette liste est certes assez personnelle mais j’espère que vous pourrez y faire quelques découvertes intéressantes. Pour plus de simplicité j’ai classé le tout par catégories. N’hésitez pas à me faire part des vôtres s’il ne se trouve pas dans la liste, et à vos bookmarks ^^. Graphisme général : 1- Spunk United Excellent magazine, avec au programme sélection des meilleurs artistes mondiaux par catégories, interviews et articles très intéressant. 2- You The Designer Blog plutôt jeune (ouvert en septembre 2007) que j’ai découvert il y a peu. 3- Computer Arts UK Le site anglais de l’excellent magazine international Computer Arts. Site communautaire pour tous les graphistes du monde, un référence. 5- Behance 6- Pdf Mags 7- Roots Arts 8- Étapes Le magazine français de graphisme. 11- Art Skills.

Behance Network :: Gallery. Ten Questions You should be Asking to Produce the Killer Design. This is a guest post from Bryan Arnold – an author, blogger and an avid online marketer who loves TV, films & great design. So you have a new client and you’ve been assigned the case of producing a killer design for them. Something that only you have been entrusted with… The big opportunity comes…You sit down with them or converse through email and the only thing you can come up with is “What are you looking for? € What? Really? You have to bring it like CSI to really get The Killer…well in this case the Killer Design out of the mind of the client.

€œUh…I don’t know. This is not the response you want. So what type of questions should you ask to capture the design your clients will die for? Well through my investigation I was able to pick out ten powerful questions that you should be asking but probably aren’t. 1. This first question may be unconventional and a bit unsettling for some but hear me out. 2. What is the audience for this site or logo or graphic? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hardformat - Reaching for the sublime in music design.