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WordCreator | Screenshot. Screenshots In the following you can see some screenshots of the WordCreator: the main window, where you can adjust all of the fundamental settings and the created words are shown, the window to adjust more of the settings and finally a screenshot of the advanced mode, where it is for example possible to create random texts. In addition you can see screenshots of the counters which are integrated in the WordCreator. Main Window This screenshot shows the main window of the Creator. After adjusting this settings, you can click on "Create". Settings You can go to the settings window by clicking "Settings" in the menu.

In addition you can set your own rules for creating readable words (in the screenshot below). Text Creator In the this screenshot you can see the Advanced Mode. With this mode it is possible to fix an order in which certain syllables may appear in one duration. Character Counter On the right side there are numerous settings available. Syllable Counter for Di- and Trigraphs Note. Remove Line Breaks Online Tool.

You can remove line breaks from blocks of text but preserve paragraph breaks with this tool. If you've ever received text that was formatted in a skinny column with broken line breaks at the end of each line, like text from an email or copy and pasted text from a PDF column with spacing, word wrap, or line break problems then this tool is pretty darn handy.

You also have the option of just removing all line breaks without preserving paragraph breaks (usually double line breaks). Use this tool because spending hours manually removing line breaks sucks if you're pasting content from something like a PDF with a weird text format where the word wrap and abrupt line break is causing problems then this tool will help you. For anyone with the reverse of this problem, I also have another online tool if you need to automatically add line breaks to fix blocks of text. Just use the link break tool above if you need remove line breaks from any kind of text. PS. More Free Tools to Check Out! Animals: Transgenic Monkeys Produced in Japan (VOA Special English 2009-06-22) <= Older [ 6089 ] Newer =>2009-06-22 Download MP3 (Right-click or option-click the link.) This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS, a program in VOA Special English.

I'm Bob Doughty. And I'm Shirley Griffith. This week, we will tell about a study involving monkeys and a gene from jellyfish. Scientists in Japan say they have produced monkeys with a gene that gives the skin of the animals an unusual look. The scientists say the monkeys represent an important step in how researchers study human disease. For almost thirty years, researchers have used transgenic mice to carry out biomedical research. Transgenic mice help researchers study the appearance and treatment of human diseases. Scientists at Japan's Central Institute for Experimental Animals led the study that made the transgenic marmosets. Four of the five marmosets born as part of the experiment carried the foreign gene in several kinds of tissue. Donald Cooper is Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention. Frequency Table. Word Count Tool - Free Tool to Count Number of Words. Word counter! Cryptopop's Hints.

Revision E dtd 05/18/07 Introduction The purpose of this sub-site is to provide an abridged summary of all data pertinent to solving simple substitution cryptograms. I have tried to be as complete as possible in listing all necessary information, although from a practical standpoint, examples had to be limited. If anyone has any suggestions for improvements to this page or any questions concerning its contents, please email your comments to Frequencies 1.General Frequencies Usage 2. 1st Letter Frequencies 3. 4. 5. Th,he,in,er,an,re,on,en,at,es,ed,te,ti,or,st,ar,nd,to,nt,is,of,it,al,as,ha,ng,co,se,me,de Note: 30 most frequent digraphs comprise 1/3 of all usage 6. Er-re, es-se, an-na, it-ti, on-no, en-ne, ot-to,ed-de, st-ts, at-ta, ar-ra, in-ni 7. The,and,tio,ati,for,tha,ter,res,ere,con,ted,com,hat,ent,ion,nde,has,ing 8. Note: Average word length in English is 5 1/2 letters. Specific Hints a,e,i,o,u & l,n,r,s,t comprise 70% of all word usage. Solving Methodologies 2. 3.

A. 4. A.