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Pub Rants. Writer Beware Blogs! SFWA. Home | Romance Writers of America. SlushPile Hell. My novel is actually an instructional booklet for peace for world peace, in the form of a novel, in the form of a mystery, adventure, suspense novel. A drama. And this is a rejection letter, in the form of a letter of rejection. I have contacted you as I wish to request two things of you.1) If you could read and give me a review plus a rating on the basis of ‘5 stars’ about what you think of this book.

(It is only 20 page long and takes less than 1 hour to read)2)If you could guide and reference me towards finding the right publishing company that would launch this book worldwide. Thanks for making this easy. Your 20-page book gets my review of 0.0009 stars! First of all, I must warn you that I am violating your rules of submission…. Stop right there. I have read or glanced through some of the books you have agented over the last few years and we are impressed by the quality and focus of some of them whose lines and harmonics challenge the descriptive resources of language.

Aw shucks.