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Neural Network Tutorial. Introduction I have been interested in artificial intelligence and artificial life for years and I read most of the popular books printed on the subject. I developed a grasp of most of the topics yet neural networks always seemed to elude me. Sure, I could explain their architecture but as to how they actually worked and how they were implemented… well that was a complete mystery to me, as much magic as science. I bought several books on the subject but every single one attacked the subject from a very mathematical and academic viewpoint and very few even gave any practical uses or examples.

So for a long long time I scratched my head and hoped that one day I would be able to understand enough to experiment with them myself. That day arrived some time later when - sat in a tent in the highlands of Scotland reading a book - I had a sudden blast of insight. The C++ source code for the tutorial and a pre-compiled executable can be found here. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next Home. Artificial Intelligence. Defining Artificial Intelligence The phrase “Artificial Intelligence” was first coined by John McCarthy four decades ago. One representative definition is pivoted around comparing intelligent machines with human beings. Another definition is concerned with the performance of machines which historically have been judged to lie within the domain of intelligence. Yet none of these definitions have been universally accepted, probably because the reference of the word “intelligence” which is an immeasurable quantity.

With all this a common questions arises: Does rational thinking and acting include all characteristics of an intelligent system? If so, how does it represent behavioral intelligence such as learning, perception and planning? If we think a little, a system capable of reasoning would be a successful planner. With all this we may conclude that a machine that lacks of perception cannot learn, therefore cannot acquire knowledge.

General Problem Solving Approaches in AI Begin AI Algorithm. Artificial Intelligence. Neural Networks.