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6 outils gratuits en ligne pour créer une timeline | Editoile. Si je vous dis « frise chronologique « , vous allez certainement vous rappeler du devoir donné par votre professeur d’histoire en 5 e qui vous demandait de retracer de manière synthétique l’existence de Vercingétorix… Si vos crayons de couleur, compas et autre rapporteur ont disparu depuis bien longtemps, il n’en va pas de même pour cette bonne vieille chronologie . Remise au goût du jour par Facebook (voir notre article « Optimiser les moments-clés d’une page Facebook » du 28 avril 2012), la timeline est parfaite pour présenter votre parcours professionnel, l’histoire d’une entreprise, le déroulement d’un événement en particulier, etc.

Editoile vous propose 6 outils gratuits en ligne pour créer une timeline sur votre site ou blog ! Dipity : le plus connu Dipity est l’outil le plus connu. Très complet, il permet d’intégrer facilement des images et des vidéos à chaque événement qui s’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre lorsque l’on clique dessus. Le revenu moyen par commune. La carte des élections sénatoriales 2011  Allez au contenu, Allez à la navigation La carte des élections de 2011 Les élections sénatoriales du 25 septembre 2011 concerneront 44 circonscriptions – départements ou collectivités d’outre-mer – sur 106, et 6 des 12 sénateurs représentant les Français établis hors de France.

Elles devront permettre d'élire 170 sénateurs (liste des membres concernés par le renouvellement). Les 170 sièges à pourvoir Le renouvellement triennal de septembre 2011 concerne 170 sièges de sénateurs : => L'ensemble des sénateurs de la série 1 seront renouvelés, soit 165 sièges* : 150 sièges dans les départements métropolitains (de l'Indre-et-Loire aux Pyrénées Orientales, ainsi que les départements de l’Île-de-France), 14 sièges en outre-mer (la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, La Réunion, la Nouvelle-Calédonie, Mayotte et Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon) 6 sièges de sénateurs représentant les Français de l'étranger ; * à noter qu'actuellement, la série 1 ne se compose que de 163 sénateurs, à la suite des démissions de M.

CSS Image Map Techniques and Tutorials. A CSS Image Map by definition is using a single image with defining multiple clickable hotspots, whether to show information or as navigation. There are a multitude of solutions, below we have listed and demonstrated by far the best and the most helpful techniques and tutorials. When the title says Image Map, It doesn’t mean basic image replacement, and when It says Pure CSS, It doesn’t mean CSS blended with javascript or ajax (which of course there are solutions), its CSS and only CSS. Lets make this perfect. CSS Image Maps, Redux (Tutorial) Tutorial URL : CSS Image Maps, Redux. This CSS Image technique makes use of the Sliding Doors technique combined with a definition list. The sliding doors technique allows you to contain all your image rollover effects in one image file, and make use of the background-position CSS property to “shift” the image in any direction.

CSS Image Maps With Pop-Up Tool Tips (Tutorial) Tutorial URL : CSS Image Maps With Pop-Up Tool Tips. By Paul Andrew. jQuery maphilight documentation. Maphilight applies to images with a 'usemap' attribute, and outlines the areas defined in their map on mouseover. It provides a single jQuery function: $('.foo').maphilight() This would hilight every image with a map on the page: $('img[usemap]').maphilight() Demos The simple demo (with awful art, and examples of data attributes) A map of the world A map of the USA A few feature-demonstrations Plugin methods maphilight( [options] ): returns jQuery Add hilight behavior to an imagemap $.maphilight.defaults Default settings for all maphilight calls maphilight( [options] ) The method that adds hilight behavior to an imagemap.

Arguments: options (optional) A set of key/value pairs that configures the map. All options can be overridden with the jQuery data method, per-img and per-area. The metadata plugin is also supported. Order of inheritance: $(area).data('maphilight') $(area).metadata() $(img).data('maphilight') $(img).metadata() $(img).maphilight(options) Example: to make one particular hilight green:

RaphaelJS Clickable USA Map. SVG To RaphaelJS Converter - Ready.Set.Raphael. Beta 2. Législatives: la carte du débat sur Twitter. Institut géographique national | TESTBED.

Google Map

Click2Map, la solution géoweb professionnelle, création de cartes interactives Google Maps. Cartes belgique. Jon Combe | Code | ExCanvas World Map. February 2009 Google Analytics has an excellent map of the world showing where your website visitors come from. My JAWStats web stats project currently does not. :( While I can't ever hope to compete with Google's product, I do want to have a similar map within JAWStats which shows roughly the same sort of information.

Be warned, if you want to play with the code, my solution contains a nasty hack. Try different views: Google Maps style, style, The Economist style or something a little darker. Example code: Those parameters in detail: Sadly, Internet Explorer is slower than other browsers as it has to do twice the work (I found fills and outlines have to be done separately). The smallest places aren't included on the map, so if you live in Liechtenstein, please accept my apologies. If you're interested where I got my data from I downloaded a big file from Wikimedia Commons which I opened in Adobe Illustrator where I plotted the country outlines. Geoclip. GridSphere Portal. IsoMAP will experience job submission problem for a few hours starting 10am, Oct 24 due to cluster(carter-ssg) migration.

IsoMAP is experiencing job submission problem due to certificate problems. Updates will be posted here. 03/03/2014 IsoMAP is an online workspace for spatial analysis, modeling and prediction of stable isotope ratio variation in the natural environment (isoscapes). IsoMAP consists of a suite of web-based GIS and software tools allowing users to easily explore, develop, and implement models for isotope distributions. IsoMAP provides sophisticated tools for research and analysis but is designed with accessibility in mind. Our user community includes not only researchers with experience in isotope chemistry but also educators and individuals from outside of academia who could benefit from the educational and applied scientific uses of isoscapes. Learn more about Isoscapes: Downloads. Download yWorks' fine products. 30-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles for Java graph layout and visualization library. 30-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles for JavaFX graph layout and visualization library. 30-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles.NET graph layout and visualization library for the Microsoft .NET environment. 30-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles WPF graph layout and visualization library for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). 30-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles for Silverlight graph layout and visualization library for the Microsoft Silverlight framework. 30-day, fully functional evaluation version of yFiles for HTML. 30-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles FLEX package. 30-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles AJAX package.

Each download item contains the yEd graph editor application plus sample graphs to get you started. Data-driven interactive maps to display geographic trends | FusionMaps. April.