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How to Create a jQuery Bookmarklet. I suspect many of my readers have written at least one jQuery Plugin / Script. In this post, I’d like to show you how to get the most out of that script by also releasing it as a jQuery Bookmarklet. Below, you’ll find two examples of utilities that are ripe for bookmarkleting, as well as a prepared jQuery Bookmarklet file that you can easily modify for the purpose. Note: Even if you haven’t written a jQuery plugin before, you’ll find bookmarkleting someone else’s plugin as easy as using it on a site. Before I get to the code though – take a look at the payload. You can add the following links as bookmarklets by right-clicking and selecting “Add to bookmarks / favorites” (in Chrome, you press “ctrl+shift+b” to open the bookmark manager, and drag them over). Make Your Own Bookmarklets With jQuery.

Advertisement Bookmarklets are small JavaScript-powered applications in link form.

Make Your Own Bookmarklets With jQuery

Often “one-click” tools and functions, they’re typically used to extend the functionality of the browser and to interact with Web services. They can do things like post to your WordPress or Tumblr blog, submit any selected text to Google Search, or modify a current page’s CSS… and many other things! Because they run on JavaScript (a client-side programming language), bookmarklets (sometimes called “favelets”) are supported by all major browsers on all platforms, without any additional plug-ins or software needed. In most instances, the user can just drag the bookmarklet link to their toolbar, and that’s it!