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Miss Liberty's Film & TV World. De la foi aux USA. Entretien avec un catholique américain. De Paris à Auburn, Alabama, en passant par Atlanta et Birmingham. Ce mois de juillet 2010, je dois accompagner ma fille à Atlanta, Georgie, et je voudrais en profiter pour rendre visite à mon ami Daniel qui vit à Birmingham, dans l’Etat voisin d’Alabama. Il est installé aux Etats-Unis depuis plus de 15 ans et il travaille pour la chaîne de télévision catholique internationale EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network, traduction : Réseau Télévisé du Verbe Eternel). Par ailleurs, à deux heures et demi de route plus au sud de Birmingham, se trouve la ville d’Auburn avec son Institut non moins international : l’Institut Ludwig von Mises. Je vais faire d’une pierre deux coups… Le trajet le plus fréquent pour accéder à Auburn depuis Paris consiste à prendre un avion pour Atlanta. Prévoir 12h de vol avec une escale obligée, à Philadelphie ou Washington, selon la compagnie choisie.

Ensuite il vous reste à attendre le shuttle pour Auburn (50$) à moins de louer une voiture. D’Atlanta à Birmingham (1ère partie) Aujourd’hui Mother Angelica est âgée. Voyage dans le Grand Sud (photos 1) Voyage dans le Grand Sud (photos 2) Chargement en cours. De Vienne à Auburn, l'école libertarienne mène une lutte farouche contre l'Etat. En Alabama aux Etats-Unis, près de l'université d'Auburn, l'Institut Ludwig von Mises, du nom de l'un des plus importants économistes du XXe siècle, est le plus grands centres d'échanges de la pensée libérale dite de l'"école autrichienne". LE MONDE - 7 octobre 2003. Auburn (Alabama) de notre envoyé spécial Philippe Simonnot Ils sont plus d'une centaine à être venus des quatre coins des Etats-Unis, du Canada, d'Amérique latine, d'Europe, mais aussi de Singapour, de Tokyo, de Hongkong et de Brunei.

Pour la plupart, des étudiants, et une poignée d'hommes d'affaires. Plus étrange encore, ces pèlerins viennent suivre des cours d'"économie autrichienne" sur tous les sujets classiques (monnaie, banque, entreprise, prix, salaires, profit, cycle, environnement, etc.) dans l'université d'été organisée, pour la dix-huitième année, par l'Institut Ludwig von Mises - un élégant bâtiment flambant neuf à l'extérieur du campus de l'université d'Auburn et sans rapport avec elle. De Paris à Auburn (2ème partie du voyage) Photos du Mises Institute. Widgets du Mises Institute, cliquez ici. PFS 2010 - Thomas DiLorenzo, America’s Culture of Violence: Myth vs. Reality. BRUCE GOLDBERG: Ayn Rand's For the N. About this Title: Initially sponsored by the University of Chicago Chapter of the Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, the New Individualist Review was more than the usual “campus magazine.”

It declared itself “founded in a commitment to human liberty.” Between 1961 and 1968, seventeen issues were published which attracted a national audience of readers. Its contributors spanned the libertarian-conservative spectrum, from F. Copyright information: The copyright to this publication is held by Liberty Fund, Inc. Fair use statement: This material is put online to further the educational goals of Liberty Fund, Inc. Table of Contents: To the Right. The Godfather Of American Conservatism. Top Ten Books that Made a Difference. This page explores the top ten books that have made a difference in the U.S.

This list was compiled in National Review's 50th anniversary issue. Each one of these books holds a prominent place in American Literature and has influenced intellectual thinking on a profound level. We will talk about each of these books, the contents, the author and his impact. You can read our analysis by clicking on the book of interest in our table of contents below or in the navbar at the top of each page. You can read through this site in the manner in which it was intended by clicking on the "next page" link at the bottom of each article. The Closing of the American Mind, by Alan BloomSuicide of the West, by James BurnhamFree to Choose, by Milton and Rose FriedmanCrisis of the House Divided, by Harry V. Next Page. Top 10 Nonfiction Books for Conservatives. These books are great places to start for the novice conservative hoping to become more involved in the movement.

They're frank, honest portrayals of how the conservative agenda has been forwarded and by whom. If you're looking for books to help you understand what conservatives are all about, look no further! 1. The Conscience of a Conservative, by Barry Goldwater Princeton Press The definitive book on the genesis of the conservative movement from the man who many say started it all. "If there hadn't been a Barry Goldwater, there wouldn't have been a Ronald Reagan," according to the popular conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly. 2. The Conservative Mind is the definitive work by Russell Kirk and a book no conservative's collection should be without. 3. Bias by 35-year CBS executive Bernard Goldberg exposes the liberal bias in American media, and how television news networks actively undermine conservative and traditional values. 4. 5.

Dr. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals. PRINCETON, NJ -- Conservatives have maintained their leading position among U.S. ideological groups in the first half of 2010. Gallup finds 42% of Americans describing themselves as either very conservative or conservative. This is up slightly from the 40% seen for all of 2009 and contrasts with the 20% calling themselves liberal or very liberal. The 2010 results are based on eight Gallup and USA Today/Gallup surveys conducted from January through June, encompassing interviews with more than 8,000 U.S. adults. The 42% identifying as conservative represents a continuation of the slight but statistically significant edge conservatives achieved over moderates in 2009. Should that figure hold for all of 2010, it would represent the highest annual percentage identifying as conservative in Gallup's history of measuring ideology with this wording, dating to 1992. The recent rise in conservatism's fortunes follows a decline seen after 2003; liberalism has experienced the opposite pattern.

Strategy Room - Freedom Watch - Book Details - 10 Books Every Conservative Must Read. By Benjamin Wiker Hardcover • 2010 • $27.95 Regnery Publishing, Inc. • ISBN 978-1-59698-604-6 If You Care About Restoring America’s Liberty, You Must Read This Book Never has America’s understanding of herself been more at risk than it is now. But if we are to restore our great nation, we must first arm ourselves with the wisdom of true conservatism–enter 10 Books Every Conservative Must Read: Plus Four Not to Miss and One Imposter by Dr. Benjamin Wiker. Readers of Wiker’s rollicking 10 Books That Screwed Up the World demanded this sequel, and now you have it–ten books that actually make the world a better place. Wiker also includes four bonus books not to overlook, and a warning about one celebrated book that has unfortunately led some conservatives astray. From Aristotle to Hayek, plus a couple of surprises–like Austen and Tolkien–Wiker rolls some of the most influential political and literary works of our time into one easy-to-read book.