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Tried and True Tender Cornbread. Remember that slow cooked sweet potato chili? Goodness, I hope so. Well, bake this yellow number to go alongside it. Salty winking at sweet. Nooked, crannied, and unabashedly crumbly. She’s buttery all on her own, but trust me, even lovelier glazed with honey. 1 cup cornmeal 1 cup all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder½ teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon salt ¼ cup butter (½ stick), melted2 eggs 1 cup buttermilk Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Tagged as: baking, cornbread, cornmeal.

Balsamic Roasted Asparagus Recipe. Indian-spiced vegetable fritters. As you may have noticed, I’m not the kind of person who just throws together things in the kitchen without a map, compass, 637 glowing reviews on Epicurious or a friend’s sworn assurance, sometimes written, that a specific recipe is a guaranteed to blow the ennui right out of your taste buds. Sure, I’ll make small adjustments while I work on something to accommodate our personal preferences, but aside from pasta sauces, eggs and salad dressings, I rarely go it on my own intuition. You see, my intuition has led me to all sort of unsavory places, in and out of the kitchen, though I’ll save the latter for another time, or say, encyclopedia volume. As for cooking, one time, my homemade oatmeal made me so violently ill, I had to cancel a date. (Though perhaps, that was some conniving intuition, after all, as it was not with Alex. Last year, I came across a recipe for Indian potato pancakes on Epicurious.

Indian-Spiced Vegetable Fritters with Curry-Lime Yogurt Makes about 24 pancakes. Ravioli Recipes - Mangia Bene Pasta. Chicken skewers with dukkah crust. My inner seven-year-old told every single person she saw or spoke to today that she ate dukkah for dinner last night, but she pronounced it “dook-huh” to emphasize the very dookiness of it. My inner sever-year-old, mind you, not me. I am a civilized, professional woman of the age of 30 in sensible Italian boots and a tasteful cashmere sweater would never relish the first reaction of people who heard she ate something foul-sounding for dinner. Nope, not me, not at all. But I did! Not only did I make some dukkah, I rolled fingers of boneless, skinless chicken thighs in it and served it to others on a platter. And we liked the dukkah because the dukkah is good. And now I have probably said dukkah enough times to drive up my search results for the term, only to offend each and every person who lands here looking for a sensible, respectful discussion of this Egyptian spice blend.

Also? Chicken Skewers with Dukkah Crust and Balsamic Reduction Adapted from Aida Mollenkamp on Chow. Garlic butter roasted mushrooms. A repeat offender in the lede-burier category, let me begin with what matters: this is absolutely my new favorite quick and obsessively delicious way to prepare mushrooms. And now, a story. Once upon a time, I was a vegetarian who loved going to steakhouses. A friends birthday would approach and out of kindness to me, they’d start talking about gathering friends at a restaurant that had vegetarian options and I’d beg them to go to a steakhouse instead.

“It’s your birthday! If only I knew the secret: escargot! I found this recipe a while back on, something that hadn’t made the cut of what had to have been their final issue (moment of silence, but do you know what’s almost as wonderful?). One year ago: Coffee ToffeeTwo years ago: All Butter, Really Flaky Pie Dough and Pumpkin Cupcakes with Maple Cream Cheese FrostingThree years ago: Ratatouille Tart and Pear Crisps with Vanilla Brown ButterFour years ago: Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Sour Cream Coffee Cake and Wild Mushroom Pirogis.