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Nicolas Melo


Rule of thirds - Wikipedia. This photograph demonstrates the principles of the rule of thirds The rule of thirds is a "rule of thumb" or guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as designs, films, paintings, and photographs.[1] The guideline proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.[2] Proponents of the technique claim that aligning a subject with these points creates more tension, energy and interest in the composition than simply centering the subject.

Rule of thirds - Wikipedia

[citation needed] The photograph to the right demonstrates the application of the rule of thirds. The horizon sits at the horizontal line dividing the lower third of the photo from the upper two-thirds. The tree sits at the intersection of two lines, sometimes called a power point or a crash point[citation needed]. Use[edit] Lighting 101. Welcome to Lighting 101.

Lighting 101

You may not realize it yet, but you have just stepped through a door that may change your photography forever. Over the past 10 years, over four million people from nearly every country in the world have begun their lighting education right here. If they can do it, you can do it. Photography is literally writing with light. As you read through Lighting 101 you'll learn how to tale control of your electronic flash. You'll learn how to take the flash that you probably already have attached to the top of your camera and use it off-camera to make beautiful, more three-dimensional photos. It's Not Expensive Lighting 101 and 102 are completely free.

Why free? And basic lighting gear is also refreshingly inexpensive. If money is tight, you can even make light modifiers yourself for next to nothing. How cool is that? Lighting Tutorials Archives - - ArticlesPhotoNet. Editorial | 19 Oct Top wedding photographer Jerry Ghionis is a creative master of using light to create powerfully emotional images.

Lighting Tutorials Archives - - ArticlesPhotoNet

Get a sneak peak of his "Luxurious L... Theano Nikitas | 20 Oct Red-eye doesn't have to ruin your photos. Learn 5 simple tricks to avoid and eliminate this undesirable photographic effect. Jon Paul | 26 Sep Landscape and wildlife photographer Jon Paul loves photographing fall foliage in a variety of subdued lighting conditions. Kirk Tuck | 01 Oct Pro portrait photographer and Craftsy instructor, Kirk Tuck, shares his very favorite way to light a portrait. Hannah Thiem | 16 Jul The following book excerpt has been republished from FACES: Photography and the Art of Portraiture by Steven Biver and Paul Fuqua with the permission ... Jon Sienkiewicz | 16 Nov. Lighting Tutorials Archives - - ArticlesPhotoNet.

5 Steps to Creating a Powerful Portrait - - ArticlesPhotoNet. When I take a portrait, I typically follow a specific set of steps.

5 Steps to Creating a Powerful Portrait - - ArticlesPhotoNet

Many photographers will first look for a nice location and then decide to photograph their subject there. The problem with that is you may have a beautiful environment but the lighting is very flat or even bad. That’s why I will always first look around me to see where the best quality of light is located and that’s where I’ll bring my subject.

I’ve trained myself to always look for pockets of light everywhere I go—even if I’m not photographing at the moment. I’m drawn to strong directions of light no matter where it’s coming from. Whenever I take a portrait, whether it’s on a wedding day or during a portrait session, I follow a very specific set of steps each time before I take the photo. 1. First you must find the light. 2. Once I have found the right light, I then choose my location or background. 3. This is when I create a concept for my subjects. 4. Before finalizing my pose, I get my technique right. From Harvard to YouTube, 7 Free Online Photography Classes. Nope, that’s not a typo in the headline – you can take Harvard photography classes online for free.

From Harvard to YouTube, 7 Free Online Photography Classes

While any free online class, whether from an Ivy League or the best YouTubers out there, won’t leave you with any sort of certification or degree, it will leave you with a better understanding of photography. Reading how-tos is great way to learn, but sometimes that audio-visual presentation in an online class just helps those concepts stick around longer. Online classes are great ways to boost your photography skills, and there are several ways to learn for free, from shorter teasers from paid companies and experts sharing tips and tricks on YouTube, to entire courses from top universities. Ready to learn? Here are six places to learn photography online, from beginner’s concepts to advanced techniques and post processing.

Harvard University Extension Harvard photography professor Dan Armendariz’s lectures are available online, and free to view. Stanford Professor Marc Levoy.


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