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Nos activités et projets — Deconsommation. Sur cette page, nous présentons divers projets qui bénéficieraient ou dépendent vraiment du Don monétaire.

Nos activités et projets — Deconsommation

Vous pouvez aussi vous en inspirer ou même nous rejoindre pour que nous partagions nos avancées, et les mettions dans ce Wiki. Tentons chacun-e de lancer des activités de Bonnes Pratiques. Contribuer au Wiki Avancer ce Wiki Déconsommation selon ces étapes : Toutes les pages complémentaires (Lexique, Listes de sites, etc.) En proposer la participation à nos réseaux IRL Associations actives et réseau étendu Enclencher une monétisation Partager nos connaissances IRL via des RDV Autour des potagers de nos voisinsAutour d'une Bibliothèque ou des Tiers-Lieux (cf. Mode école libre Modéliser un écolieu idéal Élaborer un plan-design selon la disposition et taille d'un ou différents terrains,Modéliser en 3D (option : avec possibilité de visite).Voir Modéliser un écolieu idéal. Inspirations en vrac à compléter au feeling de chacun(e) des membres du Wiki.

Chat des communs — Wiki des communs. Why have all attempts to fix Britain’s housing crisis failed? Look to the land. The title of the recent housing white paper suggested a new urgency to government policy.

Why have all attempts to fix Britain’s housing crisis failed? Look to the land

It’s not hard to see why that’s needed. Homelessness is rising fast and a whole generation finds itself priced out, yet unable to get one of a dwindling number of social homes. The sudden return to a world where working families must rent privately at eye-watering rents is crippling finances, productivity and economic growth alike. Levels of home ownership have been falling sharply since 2003, to only 51% of households today. The dream of a property-owning democracy, that cornerstone of conservative ideology, is almost dead.

But the white paper is only the latest in a long line of policies, strategies and initiatives that promise to solve the housing shortage. Land is obviously important for housebuilding, but the land problem goes much deeper than our housing shortage. Since the start of the liberal political and economic project, thinkers have wrestled with these contradictory consequences. Designing the Urban Commons. Designing the Urban Commons / Contact. Contacts People Richard SennettDirector, Theatrum Mundi Emily CruzLondon Manager, Theatrum Mundi John Bingham-Hall Researcher, Theatrum Mundi Jacob FordDesigner & Developer Partners.

Designing the Urban Commons / Contact

 Land for What? About – House of the Commons. House of the Commons is a platform for events exploring creative solutions to the housing crisis.

About – House of the Commons

This October architecture and design collective, Transition by Design, working in collaboration with citizens, activists and housing professionals will host a major three day event concerned with the UK housing crisis, specifically focusing on Oxford, but with a UK outlook. The event will be held on Cowley Road, east Oxford 21st-23rd October. We have an exciting line-up of speakers, workshops and skill-shares and performances examining the current context – the drivers of the crisis, and we will hear from groups and individuals offering creative alternatives to these problems.

- Commonspoly board (photo by Julio Albarrán) Between random and democratic practices: the commons board game - 17 Festival ZEMOS98. Photo by Julio Albarrán (cc) Report about table 5 of the #ReclaimtheCommons Hackcamp: Commonspoly.

Between random and democratic practices: the commons board game - 17 Festival ZEMOS98

Original language: spanish («Entre lo aleatorio y lo democrático: el tablero de los bienes comunes») We arrived in Seville with a mission and few rules: to sit down for three days to produce the Commonspoly . In other words, starting from the common idea of Monopoly, the game we’ve all played, we had to think about a derivation of the board game whose goal wasn’t winning through accumulation but through collaboration. And making it a prototype.

Pictures by Carla Boserman There was a matter to clarify before getting down to work. Atlas des chartes des communs urbains. Commonspoly … About. I am an author, activist, blogger and consultant who spends a lot of time exploring the commons as a new paradigm of economics, politics and culture.


I've been on this trail for about fifteen years, working with a variety of international and domestic partners. In 2010, I co-founded the Commons Strategies Group, a consulting project that works to promote the commons internationally. My work on the commons takes many forms -- as an author and blogger; frequent international speaker; conference and workshop organizer; contributor to book anthologies; designer of courses on the commons; and advisor and strategist. I have hosted an educational film, This Land Is Our Land: The Fight to Reclaim the Commons; taught "The Rise of the Commons" course at Amherst College as the Croxton Lecturer in 2010; and served an expert witness for the “design commons” in a trademark lawsuit.

20. We have to fight for our right to shared space, says uncube’s guest editor Francesca Ferguson, and architects and urban designers have a crucial role to play in the fragile balance between public and private.


Over the last six years, since the economic crisis of 2007-2008 and during which unemployment within the European Union has reached record levels, the realities of austerity urbanism shed a completely different light upon a spatial design practice that works within a wider context of limitations: making do with an alternative culture of self-management, of shared resources and of the sweat equity of unpaid, voluntary labour.