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B2B Web Strategy Blog – eMagine. Why eMagine Considers WordPress the best in the CMS Race While eMagine does develop websites on a variety of CMS platforms, we primarily uses WordPress as our platform of choice.

B2B Web Strategy Blog – eMagine

There are several reasons why we defer to what is often thought of as a blog-only CMA platform: Initially there was no platform that we found robust enough, secure enough, easy for our clients to use, etc. So, we developed our own CMS (called EZedit). Time passed and we listened to what was going on in the B2B space and we listened to what our clients were demanding to dictate out next steps – which were to utilize WordPress for new projects… [more] Heartbleed Bug – What is it and should you be worried? In an effort to stay on top of breaking news, eMagine team members Alex Jankuv and Leah McNaughton share their perspective on the recent news, and the steps eMagine has taken to secure their client’s information: What is Heartbleed? Move your website forward in 2014, or risk losing significant ground. Facebook. 8 Essential Apps for Your Brand's Facebook Page.

Alison Driscoll is an interactive copywriter and social media consultant who specializes in .

8 Essential Apps for Your Brand's Facebook Page

She authors a blog at Not even a year ago, Facebook was still being dismissed as a silly site intended to help college kids slack off. Indeed, that is what helped the social network take hold with a large number of users, but it has proven its worth in business and by now, nearly everyone is on board. Companies of all sizes are scrambling to get on the site and reach both new and current customers with a Facebook Page, the Facebook preferred method for user interaction with a brand, company or public figure. An effective Facebook Page not only attracts fans, but is sticky so that fans keep coming back and may even share the content on the Page. Applications 1. This app was originally a Facebook feature that they then converted into an application; as such, it is sponsored and maintained by Facebook and less likely to break or be abandoned. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Britney Spears. 10 éléments à intégrer dans des onglets FBML de votre Fan-Page Facebook. Bonjour à toutes et à tous.

10 éléments à intégrer dans des onglets FBML de votre Fan-Page Facebook

Cela faisait quelques semaines que je ne vous avais pas parlé de Fan-Pages Facebook sur, et en particulier des onglets personnalisables en FBML. Je souhaiterais aujourd’hui vous proposer quelques fonctionnalités que l’on peut intégrer facilement dans ses pages, grâce à l’application Static FBML. Si vous n’utilisez pas encore cette application, voici un petit tutoriel détaillant les différentes étapes d’installation, ou encore un autre, qui a le mérite d’être illustré et donc probablement plus clair (mais en anglais).

Concrètement, un onglet en FBML va vous permettre d’intégrer la majorité des fonctionnalités que l’on retrouve sur une page-web en HTML, si ce n’est qu’une application est requise et que Facebook propose certaines balises dans un langage leur étant propre. Dans la majeure partie des cas, ces onglets ressemblent à celui présenté ci-dessous. 1. Newsletter commune : Newsletter via Feedburner : Baromètre de l'e-assurance - Les documents essentiels Economie -

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