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Indy Games

Facebook Twitter Note: The functionality of Game-Make-inator is being merged into the next generation of Illumination Software Creator.

Game-Make-inator: Easy, fun, visual game making.Version: 13.06 — Downloads: [Linux] [Windows] [MacOS X] [Use Registration Code: GM17-8U3J-LS220]Price: Free. Supported by donations. It’s like painting a picture… only you end up with a video game. Seriously. Bfxr. Make sound effects for your games. Kayinworks. Nevermind Game. Incursion. Jason Boyer. Pure Bang Games. GIRP. MiniBoss. Flying Cafe. Karakasa Games ☂

Lifeless Planet: A New 3D Action-Adventure Game from Stage 2 Studios. Proteus. 0x10 ͨ Starbound.