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The Beatles

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The Beatles and Stockhausen. The archivists from the Stockhausen Foundation for Music recently discovered a Christmas Card from John Lennon and Yoko Ono to Stockhausen mailed in 1969.

The Beatles and Stockhausen

The webmaster is stuck by the beauty of the amazing painting that Lennon provided for this card. Click below to see both sides of this important archival discovery. Lennon Christmas Card to Stockhausen (1969) Front Lennon Christmas Card to Stockhausen (1969) Inside. Derek Taylor Portfolio. Mal Evans Portfolio. Mal Evans Portfolio.

Mal Evans Portfolio

George Martin Portfolio. George Martin Portfolio.

George Martin Portfolio

Brian Epstein Portfolio. Brian Epstein Portfolio The manager of The Beatles, Brian Samuel Epstein was born to Harry and Malka Epstein on September 19, 1934.

Brian Epstein Portfolio

His father called his mother "Queenie" because Malka is the hebrew word for "queen". Next to the furniture store that the Epstein family owned was The North End Road Music Stores. James McCartney Sr.'s family was one of the local families that bought pianos there on time. Paul McCartney Portfolio. Paul McCartney Portfolio On June 18, 1942, James Paul McCartney was born at Walton General Hospital in Liverpool, where his mother had previosly worked as a midwife.

Paul McCartney Portfolio

His brother, Michael, who's full name is Peter Michael McCartney, and who later went by the name of Mike McGear, was born eighteen months later. His family moved a few times, when he was 13, they moved to 20 Forthlin Road in Allerton, just across a golf course and a little over one mile away from where John lived with his Aunt Mimi. Music was always a part of the McCartney household. Before the war, Paul's father was a Cotton salesman during the day, and a jazz musician with Jim Mac's Jazz Band by night.

When Lonnie Donnegan appeared in Liverpool and the Skiffle craze hit, Jim McCartney scraped together £15 for a guitar for Paul. Paul switched to the Bass when the Beatles' bass player Stu Sutcliffe left the group in 1961. The Beatles Is Paul McCartney Dead? Rare Recording Rumor Hoax Billy Shears. Discover the Mysteries Surrounding the Death of Beatle Paul McCartney.

The Beatles Is Paul McCartney Dead? Rare Recording Rumor Hoax Billy Shears

Was this just a hoax put on by the other Beatles, or a crazy Rumor started by Fans! The album cover Abbey Road started it all! Website Last update July 11, 2010 Did you know that Paul McCartney died in a car crash in November of 1966, was replaced by a look-alike carefully groomed in his musical style to match that of the deceased Beatle.

Crazy you say? Ringo Starr Portfolio. Ringo Starr Portfolio Richard Starkey was born in a small two-story terraced house in the Dingle area of Liverpool, on July 7, 1940, making him the oldest Beatle, three months older than John.

Ringo Starr Portfolio

His father, who's name was also Richard, was originally a Liverpool dock worker, and later worked in a bakery where he met Ringo's mother Elsie. His parents broke up in 1943, and Elsie later married Harry Graves, who little Richie called his "step ladder". Although remaining cheerful throughout his childhood, it was filled with hospital time, for appendicitis at 6, at which time he went into a coma for two months, and a cold which developed into pleurisy when he was 13, causing him to miss much school. By fifteen he could just barely read and write. Like the other Beatles, young Ritchie also eventually became caught up in Liverpool's Skiffle craze. Ringo first met the Beatles in Hamburg in October 1960 while there performing with what had become Rory Storm and The Hurricanes. George Harrison Portfolio. John Lennon Portfolio. John Lennon Portfolio John Winston Lennon was born in Liverpool on October 9, 1940, during the height of WWII, his father, Fred Lennon, off at sea.

John Lennon Portfolio

His father didn't turn up again until five years later, and when he did he tried to take john away from his mother, Julia, when she refused to restart her life with him. Instead, he grew up in the Liverpool suburb of Woolton, with his Aunt Mimi and Uncle George Smith, at 251 Menlove Ave, which became nicknamed Mendips. Julia died in 1958, in an automobile accident practically in front of Mendips, when John was seventeen. Aunt Mimi ran a very strict household. Lennonisms: the Quotable John Lennon.

John was not only a brilliant musician and songwriter but an intelligent, thoughtful philosopher and clever quipster.

Lennonisms: the Quotable John Lennon

These are some of my favorite John Lennon quotes. Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. part of the lyric of "Beautiful Boy" Would those of you in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry. The Unholy Legacy of The Beatles. Pastor David L.

The Unholy Legacy of The Beatles

Brown, Ph.D. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. " 1 Thessalonians 5:21 "Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. " Romans 12:9b Recently when I turned on the news I heard that Beatle George Harrison had died on November 30 at age 58 of cancer. For the next 48 hours radio and television news special reports and newspapers lauded the wonderful contributions George and the Beatles had made to the music world and society. However, before we look into that matter, I want to share with you my personal observations about what I perceive to be the three major contributing factors that have brought about the degeneration of the foundational biblical norms and values of our society within my lifetime.

First, there is Hugh Hefner, his magazine and immoral philosophy. Hugh Hefner was born in 1926 and has a genius IQ of 152.