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FREE plans of PVC pipe structures, greenhouse, cold frame, furniture fittings. SHTF Preparedness » SHTF Preparedness At Its Best. Passion.Auto-Culture.Exotics. Funny or Die - Funny Videos, Funny Pictures, and Funny Jokes. Spark: Upgrade your lights with Wi-Fi and apps by Spark Devices. TechCrunch: "The project aims to turn every lamp in your home into a web-based juggernaut. " WIRED Gadget Lab: "It's not hard to imagine using lights to display other types of data... " Fast Co Design: "It’s all pretty neat for everyday consumers, but it could be revolutionary for the deaf or hard of hearing. " Forbes: "A light bulb socket that lets you manage one light bulb (or more) from the internet is groundbreaking. " Apartment Therapy: "Perfect for renters and upgrading over time, you can start with one sconce or one room and add Sparks as you go.

" Silicon Republic: "Turn on and off the lights and potentially other devices in your home with the power of a tweet... " The Spark Socket screws into any standard lightbulb socket, and connects to the internet over the Wi-Fi connection in your home, so that you can control your lights from a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Spark can make your life simpler, more streamlined and — just maybe — a little more fun. This isn't just about lights. Top 10 Things You Can Upgrade with a Little Electronics Hacking. It is a skill to do a good solder joint, it comes with LOTS of practice. so most people who rarely do it will ever get good at it.

Bingo. Of course, part of the issue is having a soldering iron at the right temp with a properly tinned tip. Newbies aren't using soldering stations but a cheap iron they got at rat shack (You have questions? We have deer-in-the-headlights... erm... answers!). I don't expect to ever master tricky stuff like smts or even multilayer pcbs so I'm not much better then a newbie, anyway - and I totally suck at sweating pipe joints. Ah, well... SMT is actually a bit better than through-hole once you get the hang of it. Cool Material - Stuff Guys Want. Gear at - Part 5. Another great invention, the Exhaust Air Jack at One More Gadget. This invention is pretty sweet. It basically uses the air from your exhaust to inflate a big bubble that is strong enough to hold up your car.

Once it’s to the right height, just turn off your engine and change your tire. The bubble will stay inflated for hours (if you are really bad at changing a tire). Or you can just release the valve, flatten it out and be on your way. And did I mention it comes in orange? Get your Exhaust Air Car Jack here. How to clean and secure your browser like a pro. The Internet runs on ads, but when you see them in your browser, your first instinct should be to run the other way—fast. The lion’s share of the Internet is wallpapered with tacky ads that invite you to “Lose 15 lbs. with this 1 weird tip” and load your browser with spyware in the process.

In other corners of the Web, you might download a free game or a piece of music from an untrustworthy site, ending up with malicious adware that hitched a ride along with it. Legitimate sites do a decent job of screening their advertisers, weeding out those that spread viruses, malware, or scams. But even a single instance of malicious adware on your PC can inject bad ads into otherwise innocuous websites. Wikipedia That’s how an adware infection starts. Run virus and malware scans Obviously, the very first thing you should do when you think your PC has a malware infection is to run a complete scan with an updated antimalware utlity. Disable browser toolbars Double-check every extension and add-on. Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide. Pinterest. Allrecipes - Recipes and cooking confidence for home cooks everywhere.