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COMBUCHA, BOISSON MIRACLE. Le Combucha peut se comparer -en raison de ses effets stimulants ou thérapeutiques- aux plus anciens et plus estimés produits naturels tels que la bière de céréales, le moût de fruits et le yaourt ou kéfir de lait.


Partout où l'on buvait beaucoup de thé, l'on savait préparer cette rafraîchissante boisson. Dans l'ancien empire chinois de la dynastie Tsin (221 av. J. -C.), l'on prescrivait les vertus merveilleuses du champignon, qui était considéré comme permettant d'arriver à l'immortalité. Le champignon de Combucha, symbiose de bactéries et de levures, se nourrit d'une infusion sucrée de thé noir ou de tisane.

Qualifier le Combucha de boisson miracle est certainement exagéré. Un verre de Combucha tous les jours produit des effets remarquables chez les jeunes comme les vieux, malades ou en bonne santé. Les vertus de la boisson proviennent de sa vitalité propre. Comme tous les aliments lactofermentés (choucroute, yaourt, kéfir), le Combucha stimule la fonction éliminatrice de l'épiderme. 10 New Ways to Cook Quinoa. A few years ago I made my first dish with Quinoa.

10 New Ways to Cook Quinoa

I made a rookie mistake and did not rinse the dry Quinoa thoroughly first so it had a bitter taste that no one in my family liked. Lately though I gave it another try and now it has become a weekly part of our menu. I rinse well, pop it in my VitaClay, and then add it to a variety of yummy dishes. My husband loves it with Ahi Tuna and green curry sauce. The kids and I love it in a salad. Looking for some new recipes I asked on the NatureMoms Facebook page what the community’s favorite way to cook Quinoa was. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. See anything you might like to try?

For more ideas checkout: Quinoa 365: The Everyday Superfood. Association Végétarienne de France. Veggie – Je sais cuisiner végétarien. Hedgerow Food: A Guide To Getting Free Food. You are here: Home / Outdoors / Hedgerow Food: A Guide To Getting Free Food ”A few months back I was getting involved in the idea of getting free food from nature, going out and foraging for free, readily available food that is waiting to be picked.

Hedgerow Food: A Guide To Getting Free Food

In Britain you would be surprised to learn that you walk by at least 5 different species of edible plants and wild herbs nearly every day, on your way to work, to the shops, what ever. This is a guide on where to find this free food and how to use it. Enjoy. 1. OK for most of you this is pretty obvious, but those not in the know blackberries grow pretty much everywhere in the UK, hedgerows, farms, field verges, all over the place. Uses: Jam, Fruit pies, Jellies, Compote, and even wine. 2. This Pungent vegetable can be found all over the place in the UK, and most people walk by it every day. Harvested around autumn through to spring, and looks very much like dock leaves, but with a more pointier tip. Uses: horseradish sauce. - the home of foraging online!