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D02_TUN.PDF. Photos du journal - Trust Me, I'm an "Eco-Designer" Comment obtenir un bon mortier. Le blog d'une gentille. Partenariat Terrakit. La crudine 1, exemple de construction de paille terre bois, Nat'.wmv. Atelier du Bricoleur : conseils techniques sur le travail du bois par un passionné, en français et en anglais. ‪DIY How to Make Papercrete in a Tow-Mixer‬‏ ‪How to Lash a Bamboo Tripod by TIAT‬‏ Habitat en terre.


TOITURE. AUTRES. MINERAL. CHAUX. PLATRE. PIEDRAS. TERRE. Greenest building material in the world. Green Material » Hemcrete, probably the greenest material on the planet. Posted on 19 November 2010. Tags: Architecture , biotecture , building material , cladding system , construction materials , earth architecture , Eco-Friendly Design , ecological architecture , sustainable architecture , sustainable ideas , sustainable solution , sustainable solutions , Uncompromising architecture Hemcrete Block It is no secret that 50% of all resources consumed across the planet are used in construction making it the least sustainable industry in the world. But this also means that it is the industry that can have the biggest impact when it comes to fighting climate change. How to Construct Houses with Plastic Bottles !! The video shows the strength of a mud filled plastic bottle.

How to Construct Houses with Plastic Bottles !!

When you make a clay brick, the time and energy used right from mixing the clay to baking it in the kiln and taking into account the firewood used for that, you will see that the bottle brick is far more energy-efficient. The technology also reduces the carbon emission that happens during the baking of an ordinary brick .

Ecological Bricks - The Temas Blog. « IDB Loan for Sustainable Tourism in Costa Rican Wilderness Areas / Prestamo de BID para turismo sostenible en áreas silvestres de Costa Rica | Home | Implications of the Stern Review for LAC, Part I » By Keith R | December 24, 2006 Topics: Environmental Protection, Waste & Recycling | 13 Comments » (2 votes, average: 3.50 out of 5)

Ecological Bricks - The Temas Blog

Building With Non-Recyclable Cardboard Bales. When we first saw Rich Messer and Ann Dowden’s home built using bales made from laundry detergent boxes (which can’t be recycled because they’re coated in wax), set on a foundation made from bales of postconsumer PVC trash (toys, laundry baskets, shampoo bottles) we thought it was brilliant.

Building With Non-Recyclable Cardboard Bales

Through the years, that snug little house—which looks just like a straw bale—has remained one of my favorites. I love to see people’s reactions when they realize the house is made from garbage. It seems so logical—such a natural use of an abundant unnatural resource. Yet the idea is just now starting to catch on. A team of Auburn University students has built a student housing apartment using a similar method, which they call Curocon (corrugated construction). Students at Auburn University used bales of compressed corrugated board to create a student housing apartment.

Walls made from corrugated board bales provide insulation and thermal mass. Soil Tests For Earthbag Building (PDF) Design A House: Free Architecture Courses. Ecomaison-pneus [ Le blog multimédia 100% facile et gratuit] C'est pas sorcier -BIO-HABITAT : La maison se met au vert. The sky is the limit: human powered cranes and lifting devices.

The most powerful hand crane in history multiplied the force of its operator 632 times The most common tower crane used in construction today has a lifting capacity of some 12 to 20 tonnes.

The sky is the limit: human powered cranes and lifting devices

For quite a few construction projects in ancient history, this type of crane would be completely inadequate. The majority of stones that make up the almost 140 discovered Egyptian pyramids have a weight of "only" 2 to 3 tonnes each, but all of these structures (built between 2750 and 1500 BC) also hold stone blocks weighing 50 tonnes, sometimes more. Les maisons de ville au Moyen- Age. Certaines maisons étaient construites avec des arcades (portes et fenêtres ) et souvent en bois ou en pan de bois, et en torchis .

Les maisons de ville au Moyen- Age

L'isolation durable. MONUMAT - Base de données nationale des PIERRES ET CARRIERES DES MONUMENTS HISTORIQUES - Recherche d'une pierre. Wood Magazine's Solar Kiln. Weekend With WOOD is back for 2014!

Wood Magazine's Solar Kiln

One attendee of last year's Weekend With WOOD caught me between classes to thank the WOOD staff for planning and hosting the event. He told me how much he learned during the class sessions, how he enjoyed meeting the world-class teachers and fellow attendees, and more. As we talked, I could see tears welling up in his eyes as he told me, "Dave, this weekend has been life-changing for me. " Wow. " Weekend With WOOD " is a three-day educational seminar that will be held May 16-18, 2014, at WOOD 's world headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa—the very place where every project design in WOOD magazine is tested and built. The weekend consists of eight two-hour-long woodworking sessions taught by the biggest and best woodworking educators in the world (including Marc Adams, Jim Heavey, George Vondriska, Andy Chidwick, The Wood Whisperer , and more), and you get to choose the topics of most interest to you! Portail des ressources.

L'isolation durable. How To Save Money And Do It Yourself! Do-It-Yourself Pole-Barn Building - DIY. If you need to add shelter to your homestead easily and economically, pole barns are right for you.

Do-It-Yourself Pole-Barn Building - DIY

They’re the fastest, most cost-effective way to build permanent, solid shelter to store equipment, house livestock, or function as a garage or workshop facility. You can even use the pole barn approach to build a year-round home. A big part of the attraction is simplicity. There are only four steps involved in pole-barn building, and the first one’s even optional!

None of the work requires fancy tools or finely honed skills. How_to_build_with_cobb.pdf. Chalets en palettes : 1 visseuse, 1 serre-joint et 1semaine top chrono. La performance énergétique à un prix, celui de l’effort mais aussi de la générosité et solidarité.

Chalets en palettes : 1 visseuse, 1 serre-joint et 1semaine top chrono

Fondation construction légère Archives - Matériaux terrasse bois. Endemico Resguardo Silvestre by Gracia Studio. By Eric • Jan 20, 2012 • Selected Work San Diego-based practice Gracia Studio has completed the Endemico Resguardo Silvestre project in 2011.

Endemico Resguardo Silvestre by Gracia Studio

Resting on a rocky cliffs above Valle de Guadalupe, a village in the municipio of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, Endemico Resguardo Silvestre features 20 “EcoLofts” that offer stunning views of the wine country below. Endemico Resguardo Silvestre by Gracia Studio: “Located in Valle de Guadalupe «Mexico’s Wine Country», Baja California,Endémico Resguardo Silvestre is a set of twenty independent rooms of twenty square meters each, operated by Grupo Habita, a Design Hotels member; established within a surface of 99 hectares, part of the Encuentro Guadalupe development, which includes a winery as well as a residential area. One of the principal premises was not to interfere directly the land, as part of the philosophy of the project is to respect nature in every possible way.

Pre-Fab Straw Bale Panel. House 11×11 by Titus Bernhard Architekten. Cultivez vos éponges naturelles. Luffa ( ou luffa ) est une grimpante de la famille des cucurbitacées, tout comme la courgette et le concombre.

Cultivez vos éponges naturelles

Il s’agit d’une plante tropicale et sub-tropicale. Elles peuvent être cultivées sous serre dans les climats tempérés. L’intérêt de cette plante est que l’intérieur de son fruit est constitué d’une structure ressemblant étrangement à une éponge! La Magie des Haies / Magic Hedges. Inicio. Dcal natural by natural.

Cabane croute de bois emile : le terre paille en sept. + programme 2011 maison paille « MAISON PAILLE (Porteuse) & CRUDIVORISME 2009-2014 à OLEAC DESSUS (65) Walipini Underground Greenhouses. From PESWiki Page first featured January 14, 2010 "The Walipini utilizes nature’s resources to provide a warm, stable, well-lit environment for year-round vegetable production. Locating the growing area 6’- 8’ underground and capturing and storing daytime solar radiation are the most important principles in building a successful Walipini.

" [1] A directory of resources pertaining to the Walipini underground greenhouse mothod developed by the Benson Institute in Provo Utah. One of the main principles involves embedding the greenhouse in the earth to take advantage of the earth's constant temperature, to store the solar energy collected during the day. The solar gain comes through a light-permeable material such as plastic, Visqueen, polycarbinate. The word "Walipini" comes from the Aymara Indian language and means "place of warmth". The Walipini was first developed more than 20 years ago; deployed in South and Central America. Official Website Videos The Power Hour, Jan. 15, 2010 Photo Gallery. Medieval Spanish ghost town becomes self-sufficient ecovillage. The Ultimate Brown Paper Flooring Guide.

Check out my floors in the May/June 2012 issue of Natural Home and Garden! Also featured in the November 2012 issue of WNC Woman! My brown paper floors are by far my most viewed content, at the top of the list for FAQs, and seen more on Pinterest than anything else I’ve done. MATERIALECOLOGY: Neri Oxman. Arte y Artesanía Andaluza. Natural materials. Materiales utilizados en viviendas tradicionales. Los materiales siempre han estado ligados al aprovechamiento de elementos localizados en la misma zona. La piedra caliza ha sido el material base en todas las construcciones por la facilidad de obtención, resistencia y durabilidad. Esta tipología característica tiene su origen en la prehistoria ya que se utilizaba para proteger la entrada de las cuevas donde se refugiaban, dando lugar así, a las primeras formas de arquitectura de piedra donde la estética, el arte o el estilo no contaba, porque sólo se buscaba lo práctico.

Piedra para refuerzo de cuevas esquinera Piedra y argamasa para muros Piedra de toba como Más recientemente las piedras se acarreaban con “pedreras”, piezas de madera que se colocaban sobre caballerías (burros o mulos). Las piedras se recogían por los alrededores, caminos o canteras, transportándolas hasta la zona de construcción. El barro o arcilla también ha sido tradicionalmente un material utilizado para la unión o “casamiento” de las piedras. Biomimicry Institute - Home.

The Biomimicry 3.8 Institute is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the study and imitation of nature’s remarkably efficient designs, bringing together scientists, engineers, architects and innovators of all ages who can use those models to create sustainable technologies. The Institute was founded in 2006 by science writer and consultant Janine Benyus in response to overwhelming interest in the subject following the publication of her book, Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. See Janine’s TED Talk video for her groundbreaking introduction to biomimicry. Today, the Biomimicry 3.8 Institute focuses on three areas: Developing our online database of nature’s solutions, our annual, international Biomimicry Student Design Challenge.Growing our Global Network of regional biomimicry practitioners.

See examples of biomimicry in action! Meet executive director Beth Rattner, our staff, and the Institute board. Constructions: éléments modulaires, assemblages et structures.: 1- Etudes de structures modulaires. Visite sur le port de Brest. Hemp Burlap Wallcovering by twenty2. Our hemp burlap is extremely durable and is well-suited for both residential applications and higher traffic areas.

It is ASTM-E84 fire rated for commercial applications. The material can be vacuumed to release any dust that may accumulate on the surface. Do not use water to clean the grasscloth wallcovering, as the natural vegetable dyes used to create the colors can bleed or streak. ‎ A Recommended Cob and Natural Building Book List. There are a few books that I referenced and relied on throughout the process of building my cob house.

I’ve come up with a short list of books for aspiring cob builders to get inspired and get set on the path to actual construction of a small cob house similar to my own. Check them out! Cob building - when clay isn't clay (green building forum at permies) LOL - the idea of a "cob expert" telling you, "They should have sent a sample off to a lab to be sure. " They might, however, recommend building something small as a test case.

Make a few bricks. Make an earthen oven, garden wall, or chicken-house. Adjust the mix to suit local soils. Let it dry out, thump it a bit, and see how it does. Cob is like baking bread: the secret to a consistent loaf is knowing when to adjust the recipe. BIO-PLASTIC HANKBOOK 2011.