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Navetierra MDQ » Downloads

Audios del Earthship Biotecture Academy de Ushuaia – Enero 2014 (Ingles) Gracias a Eli Tedesco que se tomó el trabajo de grabar todas las clases y tuvo la generosidad de compartirlos!! Están en inglés (hay solo algunas partes traducidas al castellano). En el nombre del archivo informa la temática que trata. Que los aprovechen! Libros EarthShips en Castellano Gracias traductores voluntarios! Libros completos: Libros por capítulos: Planos de NaveTierras EarthShip Plan Option BookPresenta los planos de las distintas opciones de EarthShips que ha desarrollado Biotecture. Estudio sobre el uso de neumáticos como ladrillos y su efecto sobre la salud.

Estudio Neumaticos Ladrillos Libros EarthShips Energía Solar Fotovoltaica Celda solar caseraDescribe la teoría involucrada en el funcionameintos de las distintas celdas solares y propone la fabricación de las mismas en forma artesanal (en inglés). Energía Solar Térmica Energía eólica Energía eólicaFuentes eólicas. Tyre walls. What I'd change for next time This is a very new building technique pioneered by Mike Reynolds in New Mexico.

Tyre walls

UK conditions are very different to the desert conditions experienced there so designs for the UK have to be modified. I think we made some good innovations, but also some mistakes. 1. Thermal isolation. In typical earthship design the entire building is underground with only a window exposed to the air on the south side. In our case, as we don't have a solid floor, the foundations of the building are exposed to cold air that circulates under the building (keeping it dry, we hope) And the tops of the walls are also exposed to the air where they meet the straw bales via a wooden wall plate.

To overcome this I could simply cover tyres as they are seen on the interior with a thermal insulation. Accueil | Solution Era | Québec. Earthship France. Simple Survival Model Earthship. Kirst's Earthship Adventures: Finish Plaster. Structolite, structolite, sooo OVER structolite.

Kirst's Earthship Adventures: Finish Plaster

Claire and I finished plastered the bottom half of the bathroom wall and the rest of the planter wall a couple weekends ago. Am preparing to put plants in the gray water planter. Banana, rose, hibiscus, grape, jade, assorted cactus and a bunch of begonias. Need to get more starts. Have been working on exterior plaster as well. Maison en matériaux recyclés. Maison Écologique: Visite d'un Earthship Moderne. Earthship, una nave para nuestro paso por la tierra. La Earthship, no es una casa ecológica aunque cumple esa función es una nave que nos permite navegar en esta tierra, sin dejar huella, sin abusar de la energía, usando el sol, el viento y la lluvia para funcionar, La Earthship recibe de su entorno y se lo da a sus tripulantes, genera comida y calefacción sin esfuerzo, para que nuestra vieja sea mas simple y nos podamos dedicar a tareas mas importantes.

Earthship, una nave para nuestro paso por la tierra

Michael Reynolds, cansado de trabajar la arquitectura convencional, decidió usar elementos de desecho para construir y desarrollar un sueño. Para ello, se trasladó con su familia a Taos (Nuevo México) en el año 1978. Allí, donde la especulación urbanística aún no existía, comenzó una aventura que hoy en día es todo un fenómeno que se ha trasladado por todo el mundo. Earthships in Spain - 14-15 Nov 2012. Construction Materials. Construction Materials A sustainable home must make use of local (indigenous) materials, those occurring 'naturally' in the local area.

Construction Materials

The Nature of the Materials In keeping with the design and performance requirements of a Earthship Biotecture, the nature of the building matierials for an Earthship must have certain characteristics established. These characteristics must align with, rather than deteriorate, the environment of the planet. The requirements and characteristics below describe the nature of the ideal 'building block' for constructing the ideal building for residential and commercial applications. Indigenous: Materials are found all over the planet. Able to be fashioned with little or no energy: If a building material was found that was indigenous to many parts of the planet but it required massive amounts of energy to fashion into a usable form, then it would not be sustainable and not considered.

Earthship Plans. The Earthship home will keep you comfortable in most any climate on the planet.

Earthship Plans

These Earthship plans are the result of 40 years of research and development in the field and on the drawing table. Because these plans are "off-the-rack," this a very "user friendly" approach for the owner/builder. This unit can be the easiest first step into the Earthship method of living. Sizes begin at the 800 square foot "Nest" studio and go up to a 3 bed, 2 bath Earthship and larger. Because every room surrounds you with thermal mass, the rooms provide an embracing thermal stability. Studio - 800 sq. ft. Floor Plan for 2-Bedroom Model If your county requires that you obtain a building permit, you will need a floor plan with a local engineer's stamp. All of the construction drawings are designed to meet standard building code requirements. Construction Drawings 30 pages in color, three sets, 11 x 17, includes five CAD views.