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Publications - ABP MER. Benthic Terrain Modeler. Version 3.0 (beta) of the Benthic Terrain Modeler (BTM) for ArcGIS 10.1 Desktop is a collection of tools that ocean and coastal scientists and resource managers can use with bathymetric data to classify and understand the benthic environment.

Benthic Terrain Modeler

The current beta release for ArcGIS 10.1 consists of ArcPy scripts in a custom toolbox that allow the user to run the individual processes as separate functions. Alternatively, users can take advantage of the simple Esri Add-In that wraps around all BTM tools, re-creating the full “wizard” experience that was available in the previous releases. The BTM Toolbox and Add-In contain tools that allow users to create grids of bathymetric position index (BPI), standardized BPIs, and slope and calculate terrain ruggedness from an input bathymetric data set. Additionally, two terrain classification tools give users the freedom to create their own zone and structure classifications and define the relationships that characterize them.

Features. Getting started with Python map automation. All Oceanographic Data and Metadata. Get Data. ESG-NCAR Gateway. EcoMetrix Incorporated - Specialized Environmental Consulting. SIG: an Eco Think Tank. ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services. Natural Capital Project - InVEST. InVEST is a suite of software models used to map and value the goods and services from nature that sustain and fulfill human life.

Natural Capital Project - InVEST

If properly managed, ecosystems yield a flow of services that are vital to humanity, including the production of goods (e.g., food), life-support processes (e.g., water purification), and life-fulfilling conditions (e.g., beauty, recreation opportunities), and the conservation of options (e.g., genetic diversity for future use). Despite its importance, this natural capital is poorly understood, scarcely monitored, and, in many cases, undergoing rapid degradation and depletion. InVEST enables decision makers to assess quantified tradeoffs associated with alternative management choices and to identify areas where investment in natural capital can enhance human development and conservation.

The toolset currently includes sixteen distinct InVEST models suited to terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems.