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Concept Cookie | Concept Art Tutorials and Training. Untitled Document. Requirements: This book can be viewed using iBooks 3.0 or later "on an iPad" OR on any Apple device that is running OS X Mavericks. If you have a Apple computer running OS X Mavericks, you can use iBooks on your computer to view "The Art of Moving Points" now. ...You can down load my Hippydrome mesh used in this iBook for free CLICKING HERE...

This iBook is NOT software specific. ........... Some reviews on "The Art of Moving Points" .......... Outstanding resource for Articulators ★★★★★ by Rich Hurrey - Apr 23, 2013 I think that this book should be considered a "must own" for anyone serious about learning how to articulate a 3D character's face. Incredible book! I felt compelled to review this book and give it the full 5 stars as it really is an amazing piece of work.

Impressive body of work ★★★★★ by watchtheskies - Apr 30, 2013 A must have reference for 3D artists ★★★★★ by Clef.Notes - Apr 24, 2013 Awesome!!! Draw a Cartoon Monster Character in Photoshop. In this tutorial, we will explain how to draw a cartoon monster character in Photoshop. Let's get started! This tutorial is a collaboration with a talented designer, Bei Hasan. Before We Start: Research In this design, the client request the character be a funny monster who has a typical Sundanese culture. Our monster character will be similar to Cepot, with sarung worn on his chest. Step 1: Sketching and Tracing Our next step is drawing the sketch. Step 2 Add more definition onto the character using 2B pencil. Step 3 Scan the sketch at very high resolution and then open it in Photoshop. Step 4 Activate Brush tool and open Brush panel. Step 5 Make new layer. Below you can see the taper effect made by Dynamic Shape setting on the Brush panel.

Step 6: Sarung At this point we will work on its sarung. Select sarung on his chest by clicking using Magic Wand tool. Step 7 We want to make sure that the selection is a bit bigger so there is no gap between the selection and its line. Step 8 Step 9 Step 10. Animation Tutorials Collection. Animation Classes at The Art Department - The Art Department. Anatomy For Sculptors. Environment Design for Entertainment, Environment and Concept Design Master Classes - CGMA. Dragon Paint Art Tutorials - A How to Draw Dragons (Part 2) Home - Dropbox. Tin tức ngành thiết kế | Thiết kế nội thất, kiến trúc, đồ họa, quảng cáo.

Feng Zhu Design. Welcome to The Computer Graphics Society. // - CG artists homepage with fresh CG industry news // Linh's Blog | Trang 4. Một trong những điều khó nhất khi bạn bắt đầu bước chân vào làm việc trong lĩnh vực thiết kế là làm cách nào để mọi người biết đến bạn, Đó có thể là cả một kỳ tích, như rất nhiều Designer đang làm choáng ngợp toàn thế giới, nhưng dưới đây chúng ta có một vài điều nhỏ bạn có thể thực hiện để giúp mọi người cảm thấy hứng thú với khả năng và những tác phẩm của bạn. 1.

Một trang blog hoặc Portfolio online “Misha” by Dan Matutina for GOOD MagazineView Source Đây là một nguyên nhân gây nên tranh cãi, nhưng đưa những tác phẩm của bạn lên cộng đồng trực tuyến là cách dễ nhất, trực tiếp nhất để bạn quảng bá cho công việc của mình. Dan Matutina, hoặc Twisted Fork, nói rằng một số lượng lớn đơn đặt hàng ông có được là nhờ vào những mẫu sản phẩm ông post trên website và Behance Portfolio của mình. Khách hàng tình cờ nhìn thấy các tác phẩm của ông, họ bị ấn tượng và lập tức thuê ông. Khi ai đó bắt chước bạn, rất có khả năng họ sẽ bị bắt thóp bởi một người nào đó, tình cờ. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Robin Hood, Visual Development Spring 2013 on Behance. 3D Viet Nam do hoa graphic design hoat hinh animation VFX diendan 3dvn 3dviz 3dhanoi dohoavn kyxaoviet. VFX breakdown: the making of Little Kaiju. Created by Nick Losq and directorial duo TWiN, the cute-but-gritty Little Kaiju tells the story of a strange creature who lives in a vending machine in modern Tokyo. Below, Nick runs through the production process on the short. I was first approached by Jon and Josh Baker of the directing group TWiN about Little Kaiju in October 2011. The idea was simple: to follow a small, Uglydoll-inspired creature as it explored the streets of Tokyo. After they shared the concept art, I was sold. I have always had a fascination with Japanese anime and manga characters, especially those that have deep characterization and an emotive quality despite their simple, sometimes ‘cute’ look.

TWiN’s vision from start to finish was always in this vein, and so I was excited to take their initial sketches and bring Little Kaiju to life. The concept art for Little Kaiju was simple, but nuanced. Building a team After agreeing to handle all the VFX on the project, I started reaching out to artists. Gnomon School of Visual Effects | Professional 3D Training in Hollywood, CA. Digital Art Served :: Gallery. Illustration Served :: Gallery. Motion Graphics Served :: Gallery. Drawing Served :: Gallery. Behance :: Activity Feed.

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