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DNS Filtering is Essential to the Internet | High Tech Forum. Executive Summary A group of Internet Engineers sent a letter to the US Senate opposing the DNS filtering aspect of the Protect IP Act on technical grounds. They argued that DNS filtering technology is ineffective, dangerous to the security of the Internet, and would devalue the global DNS system, but these technical concerns are meritless once the issues are examined. Those engineers argue that the protection of Intellectual Property is important but DNS filtering is ineffective, despite the fact that their ranks include Paul Vixie who is the inventor of DNS filtering. Paul Vixie has even gone on record saying that DNS filtering would in fact be effective at combating piracy but Vixie felt that combating piracy was not worthy of his technology.

The charge that DNS filtering would devalue and fragment the official DNS system of the Internet is inconsistent with reality. Introduction Background on Internet IP and DNS Filtering IP Addresses are far More Scarce than Domain Names Related.


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