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Earth sciences

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Structure of the Earth. Convection Currents. Convection currents diagram. Convection in Earth’s Mantle. Earth structure and tectonic plates. What is a Subduction Zone? - Universe Today. IF you don’t know anything about plate tectonics you might be wondering about what is a subduction zone. A subduction zone is a region of the Earth’s crust where tectonic plates meet. Tectonic plates are massive pieces of the Earth’s crust that interact with each other. The places where these plates meet are called plate boundaries. Plate boundaries occur where plates separate, slide alongside each other or collide into each other. When two tectonic plates meet it is like the immovable object meeting the unstoppable force.

Subduction zones have key characteristics that help geologist and seismologist identify them. There are some interesting theories about why Subduction occurs in the Earth’s crust. Understanding how subduction zones work is important because it helps scientist to identify areas of high volcanic and seismic activity. We have written many articles about the subduction zone for Universe Today. You should also check out plate tectonics and subduction. Related July 10, 2015. Earthquakes and volcanoes in the subduction zone – Earthquakes.


Earthquakes. Tsunami. Geothermal.