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Retro handheld games collection. CHOKE - IQ Game, are you up for the challenge? Games - Flash games that crack you up - Amuse Park. Free old school flash gaming action online! How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time.

I admit it.

How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time

When I first heard there are actual tournaments for Rock-paper-scissors, sanctioned by the World Rock Paper Scissors Society, I laughed. I mean seriously, $50k to the winner of a game that requires no skill whatsoever? Absurd. Ten games that make you think about life. At the start of this year, we decided to come up with a list of Flash casual games with a philosophical bent.

Ten games that make you think about life

To be honest, we struggled. After days of research, we could only find a handful of games that had the thought-provoking depth we were looking for.