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How to Take Great Pictures of Children - Lighting 101. (Photo by Strobist reader Sam Simon) Welcome to Lighting 101. You may not realize it yet, but you have just stepped through a door that may change your photography forever. Over the past few years, over four million people from nearly every country in the world have begun their lighting education right here. And if they can do it, you can do it. Photography is literally writing with light. As you read through Lighting 101 you'll learn how to control every aspect of your electronic flash. If you can imagine it, you'll be able to create it. You'll learn how to take the removable flash that you probably already have on the top of your camera and use it off-camera to make beautiful, more three-dimensional photos. The Good News: The Gear Doesn't Cost Much Basic lighting gear is also refreshingly inexpensive.

You can even make a lot of light modifiers yourself for next to nothing. For the most part, it's the location of the light that is most important. (Photo by Strobist reader Ken Brown) Alan S. Kennedy's Color/Language Project - The Idiom List. Colors! CC Search. DeviantART.