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Hot & Sour Mushroom, Cabbage, and Rice Soup. Have the January blues seized you yet?

Hot & Sour Mushroom, Cabbage, and Rice Soup

The gleam of the holidays is gone, the weather has turned chill, and the annual head cold has finally settled in. The party food is put away, and there isn't much time to cook. It's back to school, back to work, back to the gym. But cheer up — I have a cure for your glum January blues. It's soup weather, and I want to share again my January soup tradition: A rich, savory turkey broth, spiked up with spicy chili peppers and lime juice, stocked with mushrooms, fragrant rice, and melting strands of cabbage.

How I do NS with my own food. REPOST *originally posted 6/2/2005* Hi Everyone, I have had a lot of requests lately for more info regarding my meal plan, my recipes, how I follow NS with my own food, etc, so I decided to type this up.

How I do NS with my own food

I hope it is helpful to some. Egg-White Frittata with Shrimp, Tomato, and Spinach Recipe. Frogmore Stew Recipe.